Faucet 'o' Blood

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Happy 19th Harry:) I hope this never happens to you...

Chapter twenty-two: Faucet 'o' Blood

Emma's P.O.V

Nightmares plagued me. I tossed and turned over Niall and tried to fall back asleep but I couldn't. It was impossible. One cannot sleep with dreams so vivid. Even when I was awake they taunted me. I thought for once, I could get away from everything, be with Niall and my friends, but no. Something always has to happen. Why me? Why us? The room was dark except for the glow of the moon from the small basement windows near the ceiling. Laying with Niall made me feel safe, but not tonight. I could not be by him at this moment. I pushed myself up from Niall's arms and hopped I wouldn't wake him. I let my head hang down and cracked my fingers. I swung my legs over the end of the couch and was about to touch my feet to the carpet when I heard a shuffle in front of me. I stopped. I heard the sound again. Rustling. I quietly touched my feet to the floor and crouched down. My heart race was pulsing. Why was I so scared? There are ten of us down here. I reached my hand over to my back pocket to pull out my I-pod, hoping to get better light. The first thing I saw after my eyes adjusted to the harsh light was Liam. He was asleep. The back of his head shone light off and I moved my I-pod away from it. I inched closer to him as I heard the sound. I wouldn't call myself brave at this moment, more of a needing to be reassured this was my imagination. My mind flashed to every possible scary movie scenario. Devil Inside, Pet Semetary, Paranormal Activity, Halloween, Scream. Shut up Emma! I screamed at myself. Don't sike yourself out! Nothing is going to happen. Then I stopped moving. I'm not sure why, but at that moment, my body flashed my I-pod's light up to Zayn and Cami. The room seemed even more silent at that moment then it ever had. Cami turned in her sleep. Maybe I could wake her up. I can make her scared with me, then maybe I wouldn't be so scared. I walked over to her cautiously, as scary movie scenes absorbed into my brain.

"Cami!" I whispered harshly. Nothing. I took a step forward. "Cami." I whispered quieter. Then she shot up and screamed bloody murder. I screamed and tumbled backwards, tripping over Liam's feet. I landed on a blanket which seemed very uncomfortable. What was going on? Then she stopped screaming, and all I could hear were my breaths. Staggered and nervous. I flashed my light upon her and she was sitting straight up. Her eyes glazed over in a white glass. No, no, no! I pinched myself.

"Wake up!" I yelled to myself. Nothing. Cami threw her blanket off of her and took a step down. She looked messed up in a sinacle way. I took a glance around the room. Everyone was asleep. How could they not be awake? I started crawling backwards, away from Cami. She came closer and closer and I was stuck. I guess this was it. I was going to die. I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over. When nothing happened, I opened my right eye. Cami was laying next to Zayn, sound asleep. What the h*ll? I need to calm down. Emma, calm, down. My feet were on the blanket when it started to ruffle. I yipped and jumped up. The blanket swung up to reveal Riley. I sighed with relief. She stretched and looked at me, raising her eyebrow.

"Emma, what are you doing?" She said with a yawn. I opened my mouth then didn't know how to respond.

"Um...uh...I uh..." My eyes searched the room. Everything seemed calm. "I had to pee... Can you wait by the door for me, I'm scared..." I lied. Riley studied me, then stood up.

"I heard screaming." She paused and looked at me like she knew a thousand secrets I didn't. "Don't lie to me." Riley seemed so...rock hard. I sat myself on the floor. I could feel my mouth wanting to pour everything out, but I couldn't.

"Riley, I need to tell you something that is very important." I said moving my hands up and down harshly. She nodded and crossed her legs. "I think Cami is possessed." Riley's face was straight.

Left For Dead:	A One Direction HorrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora