Chapter thirty six

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Blade's POV

My hunger is building up with all of Sarah's blood pouring out from her stomach. I force myself to not drink it. I want her to be okay. My thirst for her blood is getting to me.

I still have the belt on since the pain only lasted two seconds. Vanett was right. I have it on and I'm craving blood with her blood all over me. "Its okay, your going to be okay."

That was the last thing I said before her eyes closed.

"No, no, no. Stay with me Sarah. Your not dying today. Not on my watch." I'm already on the phone and they say an ambulance is on the way, I can't hear any sirens. Someone's life is is on the line with a vampire and they're not hurrying.

They're depending on a vampire who can drink blood, for her to survive. I battle the thirst. I can't let it take over as I rush to the entrance.

I can't drink right now even though my throat is itching to take a sip. Glancing down, her skin is as pale as as mine. Which is very pale. Almost white as a sheet of paper. I pray, for once in my whole life, that she doesn't die.

I can hear screams echoing through the gym. It begins.

I rush past the gym where the war is. I pause by the bathrooms gently setting Sarah on the ground laying on her back. Gently pushing pressure on her wound as I dial Rauls number.


"Raul, gather everyone and grab the hunters! Vanetts are here and something is going on! War! Screams can be heard in the gym!"

"Okay, protect as many people. We'll be there as soon as possible."

He hung up and I'm left with a dying Sarah. I can hear fainted sirens into he distance.


Then, something I didn't want to do. I couldn't stop myself. Lifting up the sweater. I cupped my hand and left some blood pour in. Lifting my hand to my mouth, I gulp each drop down.

I regret it instantly.

"I'm sorry."

Wiping my mouth with the back of hand, I gently pick up Sarah and continue.

As soon as I step outside into the cool air of this fine Wintery night in February, the ambulance pulls up. They pull out a stretcher as I gently lay her on it.

"She got stabbed from her own stake, and she's lost a lot of blood."

They took her in the emergency van and away they sped. I went back inside after watching them vanish. Keir came racing at me.

"Blade we need you now!" We ran to the gym where mountain of bodies have been spread with blood everywhere.

"What the hell happened here?"

"The Vanetts. That's not all. It's a chase on the school. The teachers just locked it down. No ones allowed to leave."

"Which means the doors automatically which means I got in here just in time."

"Yes. We need to search for survivors. And take out the Vanetts once and for all."

"You search this floor-"

"Already have."

"Okay, check the second and I'll check the third."

He nodded and were off. Racing up to the third floor, I can hear a scream. Running in the direction of the scream I find a Vanett feasting on a girl. I jumped on her back pulling her away from the poor girl, but it's too late. She's already transforming.

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