Chapter eleven

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Sabor's POV

After I drop off my friends, I head back to my home to get ready for tonight. I can't wait for tonight. The hunt from the vamps in the forest.

I'll be lying if I said I'm not afraid. I am afraid. Not only could this be scary but it can be exhilarating and anything can go wrong.

We could get caught and bitten, we could bail out the last second, and it's like once five minutes to when it's time to go in, we can't bail out. Between the two hours and forty-five minutes, we can leave.

I'm also worried that we'll break the rules and wells definitely get sent to them. Only two people made it out alive from them so I hope well be one of them.

I had a quick shower, did my homework, got a bag ready. It includes small snacks, such as granola bars, fruit snacks, small bags of fruit, and a water bottle.

The others will bring a water bottle to pack away in this sling bag. By the time I'm finished getting ready, I get into the car and drive off to gather my friends who are coming.

"Hey, Sabor!" Lennix cheered as he got in.

"Can't wait for tonight, it's going to be fun!"

"I know, Lenny Boy. It's going to be amazing."

"Too bad Sarah couldn't make it."

"I know, but you know how she is. She's already scared enough of the forest as it is, but getting chased by vamps is another thing. We don't need her getting scared, plus she doesn't have any protection."

"I know. Let's just hope she's having a good Halloween."

"When we make it out, we're definitely gonna tell her about it."


I pull up to Kathrine's home as she waited on the driveway.

"Let's get this show on the road!" She yelled in excitement.


"Yo Sabe, where do I put this?" She asked holding her water bottle. My sling bag is back there, just place it in there."

"Oh, then can you put mine in there too, please?"

"Sure Lennix."

Not long after, I pulled on Lauren's driveway. She got in and I drove to the diner for a quick dinner. We agreed that we'll go out to diner for a quick dinner then head over to the forest. It's only half past five, so we have at least two and a half hours before we have to get to the forest.

But still enough time to eat and get prepared. There will be a lot of us from the high school that are going to this hunt.

I parked in an open spot. We got out and head inside. Not a lot of people are here since since Halloween. Although the small, old building is decorated in fake cobwebs, pumpkins carved with all sorts of designs sitting in the front.

The inside is decorated with pictures of witches, skeletons sitting in a couple chairs, a tiny pumpkin is sitting in the corner on the counter.

We went up to order and sat in a spot and sat down. We talked about tonight, how far we will go and stick together. Of force one of the rules is saying you have to far in enough into the forest or that's cheating. We have to wonder around the forest until we get lost and try to find our way back.

As long as we stick together and not encounter any vamps, we should be fine. It didn't take long for our food to arrive. We are as much as possible. And we left, heading for the forest.

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