Chapter fourteen

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Blade's POV

I drove home while Keir did whatever he does sometimes. What happened yesterday still choked me up.

Yesterday, the Vanetts came to our home to talk.


The door bell rang as we all are in our living room hang out. I can't remember when the last time we did this. Or if we ever.

We've been sucked into our own little worlds that we never get to hang as one.

Raul got up from the couch disappearing in seconds by running to the front door. We stayed silent as I observed.

Amber, with her her jet black hair and the noticeable neon purple, with her bangs brushed to the side, just chilling on the couch admiring her fingers. Dawn is cuddling with Keir as he played with her light brown curly hair as she drew circles on his bare chest.

His abs showing off to everyone in the living room. Victoria just sat waiting for her husband, Raul Crane, to come back. Her little black self, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Her midnight black frizzy hair shining in the light. Her pointed nose and flawless looks. Sapphire sat next to me curled up against my lap, her golden locks sprawled onto my lap as well. I played with the dark purple streak in her hair that she got almost a year ago.

Nevada leaning against her mother, Victoria Crane, playing her jet black hair with the tips died red. Corbin on the other hand is off in his little world, daydreaming about girls and blood. Who knows? His golden brown hair shined in the light.

My thoughts were interrupted when Raul came back with another man.

A Vanett.

I tense up the second I lay eyes on him. Everyone twitched their heads in the direction where a Vanett stood.

"Hey everyone."

His eerie voice echoed through the room. When I say eerie, I mean eerie, his voice is so deep and creepy.

"Why are you here?" Amber fired.

"Why, Raul invited me here so I can talk to you. In case if you aren't aware, one of my guys ran into a mortal and said that there'll be war."

"I object!" I raised my hand.

"I was there when one of your guys took her and ran into your territory. Almost biting her."

"Were you there, Blade?"

"I was when she was taken."

"But not there when my guy took her into the forest?"

I shook my head.

"Well then, you can't object."

"Well yes, but I can contact her so she can come and explain what she went through."

"Do it then."

I pulled out my phone and contacted her. I somehow managed to get her phone number. I called her making sure I put her on speaker phone.


"Hey, Harper. Listen I need a favour."


"Because. I need you to come to my home."

"Why? You know I'm afraid of going in and not coming out alive."

"I know, but this is a favour. I'll make sure you come out alive."

I could hear her sigh in the background. It was silent. We all know she's thinking.

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