Chapter thirteen

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Sarah's POV

When I got to school the following week, everyone is talking about the survivors that went down at the hunt. Luckily, my friends are those survivors.

They told me the next day all about on video call how they were close to getting bit. I did almost have a heart attack 'cause of that sentence.

I had adrenaline racing through me when they told me everything, and I wasn't the one that went. If I did, I'd probably be the ones that got caught. I'm not in the mood to getting bitten then sent off to somewhere I have no idea who the vamps are.

Unlocking my locker, I get my things for the first few classes, then I make my way down to my first class of the day.


I get the four vamps with me, Keir Vance, Blade Ramose, Frey Lutter, and Talon Flon. Not only am I upset that Keir went after my friends, but I have to deal with him and his vamp goons this morning, and I'm not in the mood. Without getting their attention, I sit near the front in the middle since my window seats have been taken.

Getting my things all sorted out, I felt cold skeleton like fingers on my upper arms. I shudder at the feeling. Of course the teacher isn't here yet.

"Hello, Harper."

I could hear the venom in his voice when he said my last name.


I tried to mimic but failed.

He chuckled as his grip grew tighter. Where's the teacher when you need him?!

"So, I noticed you weren't at the hunt while the rest your mortal friends were. Where were you?"

"None of your business," I snapped.

I could feel him grinning. "And why isn't it?"

"Because you don't need to know my every move."

"Of course."

His grip loosened a bit. Before I knew it he's gone when Mr. Brotherton stepped foot in the class. I could still feel his touch longer in my body.

"Morning everyone, take out your notes and get ready to write more."

We all moan.


After the first few blocks, finally lunch came. I dread led through the morning and not because it's school. But because I could still feel his touch on me. Even when he touched me a few weeks ago, it wasn't as tense as this. His feeling didn't stick for long.

I shivered with his touch still there. Shaking off the feeling I sat at our usual table waiting for the others.

Once the others came, I got right into my news about my mom.

"So she found an apartment in New York City. She's moving in a couple weeks from now and wants me to come visit her at Christmas and the weekend after she moves. My mom wants me to meet her new roommate."

"That's nice."


"How great!"

They all said this at once. It's very sweet of my mom to make sure that I'm visiting her and not abandoning her. I'm eating my sandwich when I felt some force on my left side pushing me away. When I glance over to give this person a piece of my mind, I realized I have no chance. Keir slipped between Lennix and Kathrine, Frey made a spot on my right, and Talon just stood eyeing us like we're food or something.

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