Chapter eight

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Sarah's POV

Sitting on the stairs, I watched as my parents split the furniture and other things. I had my earphones in listening to music on blast so I couldn't listen what they were saying.

How I knew if they were talking to me is if they say something then look at me straight after. I could make out a few words by reading their lips but not a whole sentence.

They have been at it since the morning. When I came home from school, they've taken a quick break before continuing. They were almost done when I decided to start my homework. Going up to my room to gather my notes.

As I finished filling out the notes in my Social booklet, my phone rings.

"Hello Lauren."

"Hey, Sarah. Me and the rest of us are heading to take a hike. Would you like to join?"


"Perfect. Sabor will pick you up in ten."

Hanging up, I got ready. I ran downstairs to meet my parents in the kitchen fetching a drink.

"Hey, I'm going to hike with my friends."

I grabbed a little bag and swing it over my shoulder. I place a water bottle and a hand towel in my bag in case.

"Where you hiking?"

"I don't know."

"Well in that in case . . ." My dad left the kitchen and came back with a spray bottle. "Take this."

"What is it?"

"Garlic spray."

"Why would I need that?"

"In case you end up going in the forest, which you won't be scared so you have protection."

He is right. I'm scared going in the forest without any protection. It gets me worked up. That's why I didn't end up going in the forest when the Chase happened. I didn't have protection, plus I was going in where I know vamps live so. . . You can put the pieces together.

"Thanks dad."

"Be careful, safe, and if you need to use it, use it."

I nodded.

I have them both a hug before I left the house. I waited on the driveway until I saw a familiar car pull up.

I hop in the passenger seat surprised that no one sat in there.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

Sabe pulled out and drove. "We would a tell you, but it's a surprise."

"If we're going in the forest, I have some protection with me."

I could feel stares shooting in my head. I turn around and sure enough they stared at me.

"Get your head out of the gutter. I mean I've got garlic spray. So I feel a little safer."

They nodded after sighing of relief. "Dirty mind you guys have," I mutter.

They heard me and they erupted with laughter.

"Well I guess your correct. We are heading in the forest. We will try not to bump into any vamps," Sabe said.

"Well I should be fine as long as I have you and my garlic spray."

The two girls talked about what they could find on the nature hike in the forest, Lennix was on his phone for the whole ride as I doubt he even acknowledged me being here, while Sabe and I have our own conversation.

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