Chapter thirty two

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Sarah's POV

There are two types of people in this world. People who don't understand the meaning of stories, poems, messages, and riddles, and people who do.

I hate to admit it, but I'm one of these people who don't understand them. Hidden meanings in any kind of message can be happy and joy, or sad and depressing. It can only have one of the two emotions.

The happy and joy can result in feelings of pure joy. It can give someone a good day or feelings that they feel wanted. Over excited about something or laugh it off at a joke it made.

The sad and depressing can result to crying, soreness or numbness. It'll make people feel awful about themselves. Bring back old or past memories of something tragic stories that happened in their life. It can also bring fear of what the meaning actually means.

For me, when I found out what the message I received really meant, it fell in the category of sad and depressing, more like fear.

I didn't find this out until later in the day after receiving it three days ago. I've told the rest of my friends about it at lunch and they were just as shocked as I was.

Like I said, I didn't find out about the meaning until later that day. And let me tell you, it's shocking.

Let's start from the beginning, shall we?


Getting out of Sabe's car, the four of us head into the school. It felt like any other day here in Cooperstown New York.

Walking to my locker, I get ready for my first class. Out all the days this year, I've got very few days where it's normal and no interruptions of some sort. As in no one chasing me, someone getting injured.

Grabbing my books for the first couple classes, I head over to my English class.

This morning, I feel tired or my energy has been drained and I don't know why.

Maybe from the hardworking at school and at training. All I feel is just sleeping in my cozy bed. All weekend I trained even though Friday's and Saturday's I'm supposed to work.

I guess for the upcoming "war."

My dad's been on me to train harder and won't give me a break until late at night. We train from noon till eight. Only a five minute break. Now that my not seem like a lot 'cause it isn't. I only get one of those so it really seems like I've got no break.

And then at school with all of the homework and tests and stuff. It just tires me out. The only reason I wanted to train is for protection. Not actually kill, but dad doesn't think so.

Which sucks for me.

I seat where I like to seat since I'm one of the few students who are here on time. Getting my things organize for the class I almost fall asleep while doing so.

My energy is so drained that I can't even place my things properly. All I want is sleep.

Class started and I tried listen to what he's saying, but I can't.

Once class ended, I headed to my next one until lunch.

When lunch came around I didn't bother going to get my lunch, I grabbed the books for after and head to the cafeteria. I find an empty table and sit.

It's not long before my eyes closed and I'm asleep.

"Sarah, get up!"

I jumped awake from someone waking me. "What?"

"Your asleep, during lunch," Kathrine points out the obvious.

"Congratulations Sherlock, you've solved another case," I sarcastically say.

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