Chapter thirty one

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Sarah's POV

It's been a week since Ramose and Vance have been "injured" from their accessories. I'd say it has happened every second or third day. At random times in public they'd get stung by it.

We've asked them about it and they said that every chance they get, they'll take it off until a mortal comes into view.

They also told us that it hurt so bad, that they can't move an inch. It's bad enough that they scurry to take off the belt and watch.

Somethings got to be wrong. It's not like the accessories to go ballistic after all of these years, right?

It maybe after all of these years they're old and breaking down. Who knows what the problem is.

Not only that, but on the weekend, I got my hair dyed brown. Just at the tips thought. I think it's best if I do have my hair dyed a darker colour so I can almost camouflage. Into the night or forest.

My dad didn't like it at first, but I think he's starting to.

My training is kind of getting better. I feel I've got some strength and the weapons are getting easier to use, yet I'm still not a professional. I still have a lot to practice before calling myself a vampire hunter.

I've been practicing as much as I could in my spare time.

On the past week, the Vanetts hasn't targeted me which is good, but I'm being prepared in case they do.

Schools been very busy, especially with the Valentines Dance coming up. It's a dance for all those lovers to get together. For the people who don't have a date and/or single, just have a free time and hang around the dance. Of course we can go with friends, but it's way more fun to go with boyfriends or dates.

Last year, I did go but my date stood me up. I got all dolled up and he never showed. No warning or heads up or anything. I was pretty upset and went with my friends instead. The I found out he went out on a date with another girl. The next day he begged for my forgiveness but I didn't give it to him.

This year I'm planning on going with my friends and promised myself no matter who asks, I'm turning them down. I don't want it to end up like last year, even though not all boys are complete assholes, I just don't feel like going with someone.

Especially what happened this year.

I guess I haven't had the greatest year.

I walk down the hallway to my next class when Marie Bitch Claire comes out of nowhere.

"So Harper," she put extra venom when she said my last name, "are you going to the dance alone like last year, or are you getting a date that will stay?

"I may not go this year, and if so, I'm going with my friends. You know, people who are always there for one another and don't boss each other around like someone people," I did the cough, Marie, cough thing.

"I have friends. I also have a little date for the dance." She smiled and twirled her dark chestnut hair. "I've got a handsome date, unlike you."

Her face scrunched up in disgust on the last part.

"Well, I don't need one as I can have a good time with my friends. At least I know they won't bail on me."

"He won't bail on me."

"That's what I thought for my date, but it can happen. So don't come crawling to me if and when he does."

Her face blew up in shock and her mouth gaped open. I smiled and wave goodbye and left a stunned Marie in the hall.

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