Chapter five

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Sarah's POV

I woke up from my mother barging in my room. "Honey, time to get up."

I groaned.

"Now, Sarah."

I've never seen her so stern. Instead of arguing with her, I got out of bed. She stood there waiting for me. I followed her to the kitchen. I haven't even brushed my golden locks.

My father sat in the head chair of the dining table. My mother sat beside him, turning her body towards me.

"Have a seat, Sarah."

I obeyed. Sitting at the other end they gave me the death stare. I'm kind of scared of this meeting.

"Sarah. This decision we made is not of your fault."


"But you have to make this decision. You either go with your mom or stay with me."

"What do you mean?"

"Your mother and I are getting a divorce. So you either go with your mom or stay with me. Now if you stay with me, you'll be a vampire hunter. If you go with your mom, you'll be moving to a whole new place, somewhere far away."

I thought this hard.

"Can I think about it?"

"Sure, you have until tomorrow night to think about it. If you don't have an answer by then, we'll make the decision. Trust me, you won't like the decision we make."

I nodded and left the table to get ready. I don't know who I'll choose. It's all the pros and cons.

I took my time getting ready for the day. With it only being Sunday, I do what I want to do.

First, after I'm finished with my hair, I would finish up last few touches on my Science project that's due tomorrow.

After brushing my hair, which came out as poofy since my blonde hair is wavy, I'd have to put water on it.

I couldn't think straight this morning. I have less than forty-eight hours to think of my decision. If I go with my mom, then I won't have to deal with vamps or won't be a vampire hunter. But I won't be able to see my friends again.

If I stay here, then I'll be with my friends but have two become a vampire hunter. At least I won't have to move to a whole new city and be that new girl at school. The only time I'll move out of the town to go to university or college. If I do become a vampire hunter, I won't be able to go to college or university. I'd get classes from my father who will teach me.

I really don't know who I'd chose. I'll have to ask my friends for their opinion. That's what I'll do. I'll meet up with them an explain my situation. I need an opinion on what I should do.

Just as I grabbed my outfit from my closet and drawer, my phone rang. I picked it up hoping we could meet today.

"Hey, Lauren. What's up?"

"Bored! I'm thinking we could hang out today if your not too busy."

"No, actually I was about to call you guys hoping we could go out or do something in the lively fall weather."

"That would be great. Can you call Lennix? I've already called Sabor and he's busy today."

"Okay. I just have to finish up my project then we can hang out. Just putting last minute touches on."

"Alright, how does 1:30 at Cooperstown diner for lunch?"

"Sounds like a plan. I'll call Lennix right away."

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