Chapter eighteen

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Sarah's POV

It's test day for us grade elevens. I hate tests. I got my things all sorted out. On my desk, I've got my pencil, eraser, my water bottle, and a book for when I'm done.

Mr. Brotherton walked into the classroom. "Alright, settle down. Thanks. You'll do great, hope you studied. There's 20 multiple choice, five long answer and two short answers. Good luck."

He handed out the tests and we all got to it.


It took me most of the class to do the test. I sat and read my book quietly. Class was almost over which is good.

Finally it was time to leave. I packed my things and left. I think I did okay on the test. Not the best but not the worst.

I shoved my things into my locker ready for lunch when something my mind nagged at me. When I realize that both Vance and Ramose wasn't here. They're absent. No wonder the Social was quiet. They were gone.

I guess their fight paid off. Getting themselves into suspension. Never thought they'd get it.

But it's the real world, so who knows?

I guess vampires are just like people in ways. They may not be mortals or eat food and such, but they still are people nonetheless. They live just like us, drink blood to keep themselves living just like us, except no blood. So in ways, they are similar. Also, they have to keep from dying, like us.

So I guess they can get into trouble at school. The only thing they can't do is get sick, right?

Anyways, I make my way to lunch, not really feeling hungry. On the way, I stumbled across Marie.

"Oh look, the little vampire hunter's daughter decides to show up."

"Shut up Marie."

"Why should I?"

"Because no one likes you."

"Pfft, that's false. Everyone loves me."

"Bitch." I mutter under my breath as I left. Walking into the cafeteria, I found our usual spot. Lennix and Sabe talked and waited for us girls to come. I slide myself in a seat inviting myself into the conversation.

"Heya guys, watch a talking about?"

"Where did Blade and Keir went," Sabe said.

"Yeah, I noticed they weren't in Social and Science today. What happens to them?"

"Rumours are spreading they both got suspended."

"For how long?" I ask.

"Wait her this week or both this and next week," Lennix filled me in.


The other two came. "So, rumours going around the two famous vamps are suspended for one to two weeks," Lauren said as she sat down.

"We're just talking about that," I say.

"What do you think their head vamp will say, and what do you thinks going to happen to that other vamp? That guy that punched Keir in the rib cage," Katherine asks.

"I don't know," we say in unison.

I really do wonder what happened to all three?


When I walked into the house, I'm still getting used to having my mom gone. Muffled voices in the living room, I forgot my dad had a meeting here and not at the warehouse. I walk in to say hi and leave, but that was my plan until Dad told me to stay for a bit.

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