Chapter two

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Sarah's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing beside me. Groaning, I rolled over on my back reaching lazily for my phone. I slapped my table until my phone dropped on the ground.


Leaning over, my top half is falling towards the ground. Swiping my phone off the ground, I saw three text messages and a missed call from Sabor.

Scanning the texts, I called Sabe back. My voice sounded hoarse when I answered to him.

"Where the hell are you."

"In my bed asleep."

"Well why your but out of bed. We're waiting for you!"

"Where are you?"

"Outside your home. For half an hour now. Did you forget?"

"Nope," I lied.

"Okay . . . Just get ready."

I hung up and rushed to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth while combing my hair is a bad decision. Cupping some water in my hands, I splashed my face a couple times before making my way to my bedroom.

Yanking my closet doors open, I picked out the first thing my eyes laid on. I grasp ripped jeans from my drawer. Putting on my white blouse. I grabbed socks and rushed downstairs with my phone tucked in my back pocket.

Jogging into the kitchen, my mom made breakfast. I took a piece of bacon with me.

"Where're you going in such a rush?"

"My friends are waiting outside for me."

"Oh, where're you going?"

"The Chase."

"Okay, have fun."


I ran out out the door slamming it behind me. A red BMW awaits with my friends inside. Sabe honked the horn, then raised his arms to signify, what took you so long, gesture.

I mumbled a sorry and got into the back with Lennix and Kathrine. I caught a glimpse of Lauren's orang-red hair in front of me. "So, you've been waiting for me for half an hour?"

"Yeah, basically," Lauren said as Sabe pulled out of the curb.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Kathrine asked.

"Why would I forget?"

"Because you knew we had to get up early," Sabe defended.

"Okay fine, you caught me. I did forget, but I was busy with homework last night, plus the assignment that's due on Monday."

"Okay, we forgive you. Just this once you get off the hook."


It was silent in the car apart from the radio which is turned down low just for background music.

Once we got into the school parking lot, we got out as he locked his car. Making our way up to the entrance we entered the quiet school. Making our way down the hall to the gym where the rest of the juniors are.

There are no teachers in the gym so we crept our way to the back of the group. Sabe pushes us towards the back as we hurried.

"Look, the mortals are late."

"Shut up Ramose," Kathrine fires.

"Roberts and Harper are the same person. Rude, huh?"

"Alright Ramose, I swear if you don't stop you'll regret it," I threatened. I walk up to him stopping inches from him. He smirked at my braveness.

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