Chapter thirty three

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Sarah's POV

The outside world could be an amazing place if there wasn't a lot bad people, then again, we can't just live in harmony and peace. What the world has come now a days is just awful.

The snow is beginning to melt and only two weeks left before the Valentine's Day dance.

People are so excited for it, the girls are going out to the mall in the city to pick out a dress and deciding what to do with their hair, makeup and nails.

It's quite crazy that women would go to the extent to look nice for a one night event. It's not like they're getting married.

But I do know what it's like to go to these kind of things. It only may happen once or a couple times a year so no shame. I was once that girl.

So no shame to them.

I only stopped doing that after what happened last year, and it was my first one!

I'll still get dolled up but not as much, probably party clothes where kids wear to parties. I also might hang around with my friends. It's just a dance for couples anyways.

I can't wait since it's a night where I don't have to worry about anything. It's also on a Saturday which is good. We have all day to get ready.

That's only a couple weeks away, so we still have a lot of time left.

As I waltzed through the hallway as the posters of the dance are hanging on the walls as some students admire what it'll be like, especially the grade tens.

"Yo, Harper. Are you going to the dance with the dream guy?"

"What do you want Ramose?"

"So you don't have a guy of your dreams. Get all dolled up for a one night dance that you ladies love so much."

"No I don't have the guy of my dreams, also I'm not getting dolled up for one night. I'm going with my friends and wearing your casual high school party clothes."

"Oh so your not going then?"

"That's not what I said Ramose."

"Well that's what I heard, Harper."

"You, my guy, are so complicated."

"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment."

"Are you going?" My curiosity got the best of me.

"No, I've got better things to do?"

"Like what?"

"Like, spending time at home drinking blood all night."

"Gross." I scrunch up nose in disgust.

"Blood is delicious."

"To you."

"Oh you're so right."

He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get to class."

I left him alone smirking like an idiot. Rounding a corner, I bumped into some random dude.

"Sorry," I mumbled before moving away.


I stopped and turned around. The guy I ran into is kind cute. He's slicked back blonde hair shined in the light. His plaid shirt And ripped blue jeans looks fabulous on him.

"Hey, aren't you Sarah Harper?"


"You are an amazing person. I'm Jason Vanlee."

Deadly StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora