Chapter twenty five

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Sarah's POV

"Your moving tomorrow?" Kathrine asked shockingly.

"Yes. The house is sold and my parents found a perfect little house down in Seattle," Lauren exclaimed.

Tears prickled my eyes. I can't believe she's moving tomorrow.

"It hasn't even been a week since the break and your already moving ?" I ask.

"Yeah, sadly."

"That's too bad, never thought this day would come," Lennix replies with a emotionless expression.


"When are you leaving tomorrow?" Sabe asks, gloomy glancing at her.

"First thing in the morning, which means I won't be able to see you guys."

"I'm gonna miss you," I say hugging her. She's leaving right after this little goodbye meeting to pack up the last things.

"I'm gonna miss you too. All of you." Her voice cracked as tears rolled down her beautiful face. Running her hands through her red hair, she hugged each and every one of them saying her goodbyes and how she'll miss them.

I myself have tears free falling down my face. Before we knew it, she left for home.

Sabe drove us home as we talked of how we will miss Lauren. A sweet, quiet girl we all love. You know, that one friend who's shy and quiet yet still sweet and caring to others.

Now that friend is gone.

When I got home, I went straight to my room and started bawling my eyes out since I'll never see my friend again. Luckily my dad's out so I'm all alone for a while.

Of course we could still chat on the group chat that we created over the break, but it just wouldn't be the same.

After my little meltdown I cleaned myself up. Splashing cold water on my face to wash away the salty tears. I then use a face cloth to wipe my face to make sure the salty tears are gone.

Heading out, I stop into the kitchen to make myself some spaghetti, making some extra in the process for dad.

Turning on my music in the background for some noise so it's not complete silence.

Heating some sauce in the microwave. Getting my dinner ready, the doorbell rings. Setting it aside, I speed walk to the door. Opening it revealing someone I don't know.

His light brown hair pulled back into a small man bun in the back, black khakis and a white dress shirt tucked in the khakis.

"Hey, can I help you?"

He looks very pale. My hunch says he's a vampire. On the wall behind the door is garlic spray, I open the door wider as I reach for the bottle slightly to not let him know what I'm doing.

"Are you Sarah Harper?"


"I heard that you are becoming a vampire hunter. Is that true?"

"No, that's not true. I don't know where you're getting that information from," I lied. I didn't trust this guy enough to tell him I am indeed, a vampire hunter. Since this town is small, he probably knows I'm lying. Word can get around pretty fast.

"I'm pretty sure you are."

I catch a glimpse at his fangs as he smiled a sly one. Before I could react, he grasped me arm and threw me against the wall. I hit my head hard enough, a bit of blood leaked out.

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