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Bakugou's pov

Why here? why now? Why does this have to happen now? This sucks major ass. Me and my stupid complex in middle school. And now I guess but I'm going to ignore it. Stupid can't I bring myself to blame this on the nerd. Because you know it's not his fault. Damn it! It's not anyone's fault I know that but I hate not having anyone to hate. Myself maybe...? Nah to much work. This little brat in front of me? No, he's just taking orders from his higher up and he's just a kid. Kinda reminds me of myself. Obviously not as strong or good looking, but personality wise he would be fun to work with if I had a chance. Maybe as a sidekick when I'm number one. Once deku has a chance to talk to the poor brat he'll be begging to change sides. That nerd has a way with words that gets on my nerves. Helpful sometimes but annoying beyond belief.

Kiri also is good with words when he takes it seriously. I can't believe he's only ranked fourth though. I thought he was at least top two. When it comes to strength, icy hot and I have everyone beat easily. But for hero work Kiri and deku are tied. Both are equally stupid and run directly into danger without thinking about what it's doing to them. The nerd spent an entire fight trying to get icy hot to use his damn fire quirk and then it didn't even stick. Kiri is always throwing himself in the line of fire to keep others safe. Sure his quirk can protect him but he died in front of me because of his damned recklessness. Both are fucking dipshits. At least Kiri is cute.

"No one cares about your ranking system it's solely based off quirk strength not values or morals, having a strong quirk doesn't mean anything if you don't use it to protect people" todoroki says, pissed off. Damn icy hot can get mad. I thought he was just a robot. He has small flames poping off him left side and frost is growing in the right. Deku being in danger pisses everyone off. Bitch needs to wake his ass up and get the fuck over here before Kiri jumps off the roof.

"Shut up Sho, or did you want izu trapped again?" Half n' half shuts up pretty fast. This brat is such a coward. If he wanted to fight us then just fight us. Don't take people hostage just for the sake of it.

"Now, Red Riot" he looks at Kiri and I push him behind me, keeping my arm against his chest in case he gets a dumb idea. No way in hell am I letting him near the edge of this building. That's just fucking insane.

"Walk to the edge of the building, turn around, face us, don't move or speak until your next order" I feel him push against my arm and I turn around. His eyes are foggy and his movements stiff.

"Ground Zero move or I'll have him jump" I step out of the way as Kiri slowly walks to the edge. That's not my Shity hair, there no dopey grin or figeting fingers that he picked up from the weird third year that stares at walls. Speaking of dopey grins WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY IDIOTS?! I haven't seen them this entire time. I would've thought they would come see us right after they woke up. Then again dunce face was probably looking for the purple haired loser. Raccoon eyes was probably talking to the girls and Nice try guy was with them. Ughhhhh I'm not bitter I just haven't said sorry to Pickachu for pushing him.

"Now for the therapy and punishment you so desperately need bakugou"

"WHY YOU LTTLE PUN-" I start but get cut off by a chunk of ice flying past me head.

"Bakugou shut your mouth"

" get what's going on now don't you." The little brat askes. Something about this doesn't feel right to me. Why are we at me and deku's middle school? Why on the roof? Does this have anything to do with the things I did here? I don't want to think about that. I was such a dick. To everyone. Especially deku, I even told him to-shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

"Tell me, what possesses a person to do that to someone who can't defend themselves" I feel my hands start to shake.

"And, my favorite thing about this is that Midoriya didn't even report you, he didn't ask for help from anyone, and when you got to UA he still kept quiet about it" shut up. Just let me forget it.

"Shut your damn mouth!" Todoroki yells.

"It wasn't even him, he wouldn't do that, right?" The director laughs as I'm frozen in place. I thought this part of my life was in the last. Why does it keep haughting me?

"Not only was he involved, he was the ring leader of the whole show" I feel my confidence and strength melt away completely as the director laughs.

"Shut up you little brat!"

"Icy hot-"

"You shut your goddamn mouth I'll get to you later" I subconsciously take a step away from the pissed off hero-in-training.

"That's in his past! I'm sure he is going to hate himself for it every time he looks at Izuku" I already do but go off I guess. I thought he would've burned my ass already.

"To bad, I don't care, Deku's pain was real. Every quirkless person that was abused by people like him felt real pain that can't be forgotten! He isn't even sorry about it"

"Yes I am!" I retaliate. I check over at Kiri and he's still one step away from the ledge. If he dies now, it's over.

"Then why do you still call him deku?" This dumbfuck knows nothing about deku does he?

"That name doesn't mean that he's weak anymore. He made it a sign of strength, hell, he even made it his hero name just prove a fucking point" I shrug. The brat is really over here yelling at me for calling deku by his hero name.

"Whatever that doesn't change anything, Now, RED!" he snaps his fingers and kirshima wakes up from whatever trance he was in. The first order was to stay still until the next one. What is it.

"Take a swan dive off the roof of the building" the director says. Todoroki and I get teleported across the roof so we are to far from Kirishima to stop him. The brat immediately teleports away. Kiri puts one foot off the edge.

"NO!" I yell as we sprint toward him. He leans back and falls off the roof.

"KIRI!!" I use my quirk to propel myself off the roof. I direct myself to Kiri who looks completely dazed and use my free hand to blast both of us into the air I lose my grip and drop him.

"TODOROKI GET HIM" I yell as we fly through the air. Icy hot blasts slabs of ice at the both of us. One catches Kiri and I know he'll be fine as long as todoroki does his job. My back rams into another chunk of ice. A sharp pain shoots throughout my entire body. Then. I black out.


Word count 1251

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