Replacement and Mid Season Finale??

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        I needed space from his and this whole situation so I walked deep into the dead heads and sat at the bottom of a tree.  Why I walked into a forest where if someone wanted to kill me and no one would see I have no idea.  That didn’t make sense.  My brain is working too much that it’s not making sense.  Oh geez I just need to stop.  Well if my brain stops then…getting sidetracked again this really needs to stop.  I sat by the bottom of that tree for maybe a couple of hours before I got up and made my way back to normal civilization.  Well as normal as the gladers can be at least.  My boots were making little crunch noises against the dirt, and I was focusing on that, until I heard whispering to my left.  I looked up from the ground and saw Alby and Clint talking.  I started to walk towards them but realized they probably didn’t want anyone really listening to their conversation.  So naturally me being me crouched down and hid close enough so I could listen in.

         “Newt wont be able to run again. The damage to his leg is too bad for him to be able too.” I heard Clint say to Alby while I waited.  Newt not being able to run again wasn’t news to me, I knew from the moment he got hurt in the maze that if he survived he wasn’t running again.  However with Newt down and out we were down one runner and I know Alby knew we couldn’t afford to be one person down.  So the question is who would replace Newt?  Better yet was I gonna be running alone or was I gonna be paired up with another runner?

        Okay Kai let’s be real here.  You know they wouldn’t break that rule so of course you were gonna have to run with somebody but it was only Newt, some other guy, and me running.  If someone has to train Minho then if the other guy was put as his trainer I would be running alone but if I was made his trainer then I technically would be running alone.  Oh geez I would rather run alone then have to be strict to my best friend.  I zoned back into the conversation Alby and Clint were having.

        “Minho.  He’s the only one who can make it.  I would send Gally out again but after this whole thing with Newt.” Alby said to Clint.  “We’ll have to get all of the other keepers together to confirm it.” He added.  Clint nodded his head in agreement.

        “What are we gonna do about Kai though?” Clint asked.

        “I’ll deal with it once we talk with everyone.  Now go and tell the keepers meeting tonight after dinner in the council room.  I’m gonna go talk to Gally and Minho.” Alby said as he patted Clint on the shoulder and left.  Great more eavesdropping good for you Kai.  I thought in my head as I followed Alby without him seeing me…a few gladers had interesting stares but you know who cares.

        He didn’t really walk a straight route towards either of them.  Gally was building something obviously and Minho was off somewhere I think helping a few other builders build something.  I’m not sure I don’t keep track of where Minho’s been.  Alby did stop along the way to help with a few minor things, as the oh so good leader he is, and then he finally found Gally.

        “Hey Gally got a few?” he asked as Gally was tying two mini wall things together.  Gally shouted back yeah and finished tying the things together.  I don’t really know because I did like all of nothing like that when I was a builder but hey I’m getting side tracked. 

        “Hey Alby what’s up?” Gally asked as he wiped his hands off on his pants.  His big lanky frame stomped over to Alby, the stomping I’m sure was not intentional.

        “I figured out a solution with the whole Newt thing.” He responded.  Gally nodded his head and crossed his arms silently telling Alby to continue.  Hey people talk silently a lot around here.  Anyways I’m getting side tracked once again.  “We’re gonna have to make someone a runner.” He stated.

Key Keeper-The Maze Runner Fanfiction/Newt StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant