The Pit:Part 1

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        How long was I out?  Why did I even pass out?  The last thing I remember was a pair of blue eyes.  Now all I see is dirt and...a bamboo door?  I'm not sure what exactly the door was made of.  Wait why the hell was I trapped with the door being closed?  

        'Hey it doesn't matter you're trapped so of course there's gonna be a door idiot!' I thought to myself.  It was a very small space and I have no idea how I'll escape.  I took a quick look through the pathetic door to see I was out only maybe an hour or so because it was still daylight out.  It could be the next day but I highly doubt it.  

        "Hey!  Let me outta here!" I yelled in the hopes someone could hear me.  Maybe I can get them to just let me out.  There was a soft pattern as a pair of feet were walking towards me, someone had heard my scream.  Finally a figure crouched down in front of my pit, as I liked to call it now; this figure was Alby.  He was most definitely not happy with me, I could tell by how he was glaring at me.  Hey I wasn't happy with him either!  

        "Look listen Greenie, no one is happy about you being here," he started

        "Especially what you did to Gally.  You've already broken one of our top rules.  Technically you should already be banished but since you're new we're letting you off." he stated with authority.  Good I didn't like these people either.  Great the whole shame on you lecture.  I know, I don't know why I knew but I did, that I shouldn't have punched Gally in the face under normal circumstances but I think we can all agree that this was not normal.  Alby just stayed there glaring at me and I was glaring right back.  I wasn't one to give up with anything; it showed with my red hair that I was not an easy person to get along with.  

        "Then banish me.  Don't treat me like I'm a different species from you.  I can handle it." I retorted.  This guy just did not get it did he.  He shook his head and laughed at me like I had made the first joke he's heard since he got here.

        "Look Greenie no matter what you think you cannot handle what is out there on your own.  Now what's your name?" he asked me.  Hmmm to them my name was Greenie cause I didn't remember my own name...might as well keep it that way.  I stayed quiet standing in a corner just glaring at him, I was not going to talk to him anymore.  After a few minutes he finally realized that I was not gonna respond and he huffed.

        "So you're not gonna talk to me are you?" he asked looking back at me. I shook my head just enough for him to see.  I was only gonna talk to Minho because how could I trust what Alby was saying.

        "I want Minho." I stated simply with determination in my voice.  He shook his head telling me that he would not process my request.  So I had to step up to make sure he knew I meant business.

        "I will only talk to Minho otherwise you might as well just chuck me out." and with that said I turned around and sat facing the dirt wall that was away from this wannabe door.  I heard various noises behind me as he decided if he would comply with my very simple request.  Finally I heard his footsteps fade as he either left to go get Minho or to just flat out leave me alone.  

        This gave me time to think and process what was going on.  There was one thing that I needed to settle before I figured anything else out.  What was my name?  Everyone else seemed to know theirs, even Minho remembered his name so why couldn't I?


        What was that?  Why did that sound familiar?  That was my name!!!!  My name was Kai!  Why would my name be that short though it must be short for something; it just seemed off for that to be my actual name.


        That makes sense.  My full name was Kailey but I preferred Kai, it fit my personality better.  I'll tell Minho when they bring him to me, he's the only one I trust.  I sat there in my pit for who knows how long.  I didn't really care either cause I finally remembered my name!  I wondered what else I didn't know about me.  I knew I had red hair and that I wasn't Asian and my name was Kai; there had to be more than that though.  I heard the light crunch that footsteps made in the dirt heading in my direction and they weren't just one set of feet.  THEY BROUGHT HIM!!!

        "Look we brought Minho liked you asked now you have to talk." I heard Alby's stern voice call to me.  I heard someone else Ben down so they could peer in through the door.  I was not going to turn around just yet.

        "Hey it's me." I heard Minho's voice call to me.  I whipped my body around into a standing a position seeing if it was true, of course it was true.  I ran up to him and grabbed his hands that we're holding onto the bamboo like things.  

        "Oh thank goodness it's you what the hell is going on here?  What is this place?" I just spewed the first things that came to my mind.  I had so many questions and I wanted truthful answers.  I had a feeling I would never get straight answers for quite awhile.  

        "Look I don't know what's going on.  I don't even know what your nam-" he started but I quickly cut him off.

        "My name is Kai.  I just remembered a few minutes ago." I told him quietly hoping only he would hear; turns out he was the only one who heard.

        "So the mute speaks does she?  Should have brought Minho to her sooner." I heard Alby's voice say.  God did I hate this Alby character already why did he have to be the leader?!  I scoffed and looked back to Minho's face and I think he could tell that I was annoyed; to be fair he looked fairly annoyed too.  

        “So the mute speaks does she,” I began mocking him quietly, “Should have brought Minho to her sooner.” Only Minho could hear me but it still felt nice to mock this guy.  “Yes the ‘mute’ can speak!” I shouted at Alby.  I could have sworn I heard someone let out a strangled breath as if they were covering up a laugh.  He gave me a scowl and looked as if he was gonna come at me but he changed his mind.  I looked back to Minho who had a slight smirk on his face from my oh so funny mocking.

        “Anyways they want you to talk.  They want to know why they sent a girl let alone why they sent up two people at once.” Minho said.  How in heck was I supposed to know why they sent me?  Who is they even?!  Boys never make sense do they.

        So naturally I decided to voice my opinion, “How am I supposed to know why they sent me here?  Who is they even?” I inquired.  Alby came and crouched down next to Minho so that they were both covering the door so practically no sunlight was coming through.  We were both frustrated at this point, anyone could tell.

        “Look we want answers and I know you want answers, but here’s the difficult part that could become not so difficult,” Alby began “You tell us your answers and we’ll tell you some of our answers.” He finished proposing.  HA! Fat chance they would get my answers when I didn’t flippin’ have any!  Plus he said I would only get some of their answers for all of mine; now I’m not that stupid to realize that it wasn’t a fair trade.

**Sorry that nothing really EXCITING happened in this chapter but I promise more will happen in the coming chapters!**

**PS her name is pronounced like Kylie but spelt Kailey**

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