Captain Shank Does It Again

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"Newt-" someone started before seeing the position Newt and I were in. Newt pulled away from me but not letting go of me just yet.

"What Gally?" I heard Newt's very growly voice say. My eyes snapped open and looked towards the now open door and sure enough it was Gally who interrupted. I swear it's like the world always wants Gally ruining my moments in some sort of way.

"Glad to know where your priorities are as leader." Gally snidely comments as he gestures to our positions. My arms were still wrapped around Newt's shoulders and neck with my hands slowly slipping out of his hair. Newt's arms were still hung loosely around my waist and his right hand was still under my shirt on my back although Gally couldn't see that from where he was.

"What do you want?" Newt huffed ignoring his comment. We had both regained our breathing at this point.

"I need to talk to you. Plus she needs to go help Clint and Jeff with Alby." Gally said crossing his stupid arms.

"I'm sure Jeff and Clint can handle Alby by themselves." I answer back not wanting to leave Newt just yet.

"Yeah well since Alby is out of it and Newt is in charge that means I'm second in command and you have to follow what I say. Now go." Gally commanded. I was sure Newt could over rule whatever Gally said but when I looked to him he nodded his head and I sighed. I unwrapped myself from Newt and walked past him and Gally. However when I passed Gally I roughly bumped into his shoulder for fun just to show my annoyance.

My feet were dragging through the dirt and grass and whatever else was on the ground. My heart was still kind of beating faster than normal from what Newt and I were just doing. Stupid Gally and his impeccable interrupting abilities. I arrived at the med-jack hut sooner than I realize and walked in and closed the door slightly behind me.

"Yo! I'm on duty apparently." I shouted out waiting to hear a reply from someone before just wandering around.

"With Alby! Come on back!" Jeff, I think, called out. I let out a breath and walked back to the room where they would have Alby. When I walked in I frowned. Alby was struggling against restraints that had to be put on him and he looked like he was in a lot of pain.

"He's not doing good at all is he?" I pathetically ask as I run a hand through my hair. Clint just gave me a look and went back to cleaning up the room.

"The only thing he's doing good with is breathing. That's all we can ask for right now." Jeff responded as he checked Alby's pulse as best he could. We all stood around in silence with Alby's various grunts of pain sounding in the air. However his breathing soon relaxed a little bit, not much at all really, and soon he was basically asleep.

A builder, at least I think he was a builder, came running into the room saying something about someone being hurt and they couldn't get him here so we had to go to him.

"Someone has to stay here with Alby." Clint pointed out as we all made moves to follow the boy who was waiting to lead us there.

"Gally told me to stay and watch him so go ahead. Wouldn't want to piss of the old potato." I muttered as I slumped my shoulders.

"You sure you can handle him on your own Kai?" Jeff asked as he and Clint made their way to the door.

"Yeah Jeff he's out anyway so there's not much to do. Go find what poor guy hurt themselves this time. I'll be fine." I waved them off and sat on a stool near Alby's bed. Not too soon after Chuck came running into the room panting.

"What is it Chuck?" I asked. He took a few seconds to respond trying to catch his breath before he spoke back.

"They should be coming back soon and I have something to tell all of you when they do. Now come on!" he said urgently as he ran back out of the room. I jumped up from my seat and ran after him closing the doors behind me. It was easy to catch up to him and we jogged back to the open doors.

We ended up just waiting around the doors for a while before I saw them come around the corner. I gently slapped Chuck on his shoulder to get his attention that they were back. They were about to keep running past us until Chuck spoke up.

"Guys...guys!" he said and the all slowed down to listen to what he said.

"Gally found out you guys left and the Kai was covering for you. He called a meeting of the keepers. Everyone is at council hall." He dropped on us while pointing to the council hall. How on earth did my distraction not work on his small little builders brain?!

"That's impossible Chuck they wouldn't call a keeper's meeting with only 3 of them. Plus Gally told me to look after Alby," I said but then paused...that damn shank! "That shank." I huffed out angrily as I spun on my heel and ran towards the council room with Minho and the other right on my trail. The gladers who were around the room instantly cleared a path when they saw me running towards them with an angry look on my face. I barged in without a second thought, luckily missing poor Jeff and Clint...whoops guess there was 4 of them in there.

"Gally how dare you call a keepers meeting! First off you shouldn't even have the right to and secondly without me there!" I shouted, as I got right up in his face. He stood his ground and kept his face straight while looking down on me.

"None of you could be found so I called one without you." Gally said calmly.

"You know right where I damn was Gally! After all you were the one who pulled your stupid klunk rank and made me watch Alby! So I call major bullshit!" I shouted. At this point Winston was pulling me back closer to our little group...huh surprised it wasn't Minho to pull me away.

**Reasoning behind this chapter's title.  Gally is a shank and in the books he was sometimes referred to as Captain Gally so thus the Captain part.  Sooo if we put them together we get Captain Shank!  The Again part is referring to him interrupting Newt and Kai's spicy moment at the very beginning and when we calls the meeting without a majority of the keepers.  Okay carry on my fellow good shanks! ;)**

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