Losing Our Home

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"GO!" I screamed to the group I was with hoping that they heard me and had left me behind to go to the council hall. All of a sudden the griever jerks to its side once and then just as suddenly as the first time it jerked again falling off of me long enough for me to make a hopeful escape. I could see spears in its side as I used all my leg strength to push myself far away from the griever so I could get up and I could finally hear the chaos again.

"Over here! Let's go! Come on!" I hear Frypan yell out and my head looks to the left. There was a random glader, Frypan, Minho, and Newt all running towards us with lots of weapons in their hands. The group I was previously with starts running towards the council hall again and I struggle to get up until I feel a rough hand around my upper arm pulling me up.

"You ain't leavin me yet shank." I hear a familiar voice say. I look at who pulled me up and was running with me to safety...it was Minho. Thank shucking god it was him! As we ran he handed me the other sword knife thing he had in his hands since my knife was no where to be seen. Chuck is yelling for us to hurry up and get into the council call as we are the last ones they're waiting for. Minho pushes me forward as we reach the door making me go in first and straight into Newt's waiting arms.

"Lock down the doors!" Thomas orders as the doors shut after Minho gets in. Everyone groups in the center of the room as the grievers pound on the door and roof trying to get in. There was one griever who was scuttling around on the roof who finally pushed its tail in and grabs the center pole that is holding up pretty much the whole roof. It then yanks it out and the roof collapses pushing many, if not all of us, to the ground and let me tell you that the ground is not comfortable in any way shape or form.

"I hate these fucking things." I groan out loud in pain as I push myself onto my elbows assessing the damage. My hip and hit one of the stairs or chairs really hard and I now felt a tingly feeling and surely if I survived the night it would be bruised by morning if it wasn't already. Other than that and a few minor cuts and other bruises I was fine.

"Is everyone alright?" I hear Newt ask and various people cough or respond that they were okay. I just groan and trying lifting myself to my feet, which is a lot harder than anticipated because it hurt to move my hip that way. Frypan, at least I think it was Frypan, helped me up into a standing position and I nodded my thanks. Now that I was up it didn't hurt as much.

"Chuck!" someone yells out as a Griever's hand claw thingy comes in from the roof and grabs onto Chuck like it's a prize. Everyone immediately springs up to grab onto him shouting things like pull him back and grab onto him and the like. There was also lots of grunting as they were all manly men and felt the need to grunt...just kidding...or am I?

"No shit." Chuck shouted as Thomas kept screaming for him to not let go. If this wasn't a life or death situation I would be shocked at Chuck and told him to rinse his mouth out because he shouldn't be speaking those kinds of words just yet. We struggled to keep him with us until Alby screamed and charged at the Griever's arm and started hitting it with something. He almost looked like a wild animal attacking that thing and it was kind of scary. Finally the Griever let go of Chuck because of Alby's attacks and retreated out of our sights. Chuck manages to catch his breath and say thanks to Alby before the damned thing comes back...this time grabbing Alby. Thomas and I are the first and really only ones who get to him before he gets pulled out. We were both pulling with all our might, sadly with one arm each because he was above us, but he was also holding onto the room with his other hand which kind of helped.

"Thomas, get them out." Alby says as he looks at Thomas. It sounded like he was giving up...like he was saying goodbye.

"Alby..." I start as I let a few tears roll down my face. I was still holding onto him as hard as I could but it was tough when it was just Thomas and I.

"Protect him...don't leave him." Alby says as the griever pulls him away with too much force and he's out of our hands. Alby's gone and he wanted Thomas to lead us out of here and he wanted me to never leave him. I knew what he meant by him...he meant Newt...he never wanted me to leave Newt. I never planned on leaving him in any way shape or form but now for Alby I could never do that.

Next thing I know a very sharp and harsh pain shot through my hip where I previously thought a bruise was. I let out a small scream as I fell to the floor; looking back I didn't hit the floor right away someone caught me and lowered me down. I remembered some tanned skin before I blacked out. Although I'm not entirely sure the skin I saw was tanned because of two things...one it was night time so the lighting wasn't the best and two because my vision was super fuzzy from the pain coming from my hip.

**Sorry for it being short but oh well that's just how the cookie crumbles**

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