Council of Keepers: Part 2

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        Sure as hell they had to do something with me, I wasn’t about to be the lazy bum who did nothing.  I sure as hell wasn’t gonna be put as a slopper or a cook so just give me a decent job please!

        “I say track hoe.  I need more people like her!” Zart insisted.  There were a few other keepers like him who said they wanted me and needed more guys like me and such.  There were even others who said they thought I should be with this keeper and do this job yada yada yada. 

        Finally Newt made his opinion very clear, “She needs to try runner!” Newt shouted from his seat behind Alby, who might I add was sitting on something that looked like a throne.

        “No!  She’s a greenie regardless of how good she is at any of the jobs!” Gally yelled back in response.      

        “She excelled at EVERY single job!  No one has done that!  In order to do that then they have the skills to be a runner!” Newt argued back standing up from his chair.  “You know that Alby.  Excelling in every job means something.” He added while he turned from Gally to Alby.  Alby just sat there the whole time not butting in on any of the arguments going on in the small hut thing.

        Alby finally put in his two cents, “I know that Newt.  Just because she excelled at every job doesn’t mean she goes straight to runner though.  She’s still not fully cooperating with us still.  A true runner wouldn’t act like she does.”

        “Excuse me but how exactly is a runner supposed to act?  What does a runner even do?  What the hell are they running?” I asked.  Everyone kind of just stared at me like I had asked a dumb question.

        “You don’t need to know Greenie.  One day you might know.” Gally told me.  Have I told you how much this shank gets on my nerves?!

        “Actually I do need to know Potato!  You shanks are talking about making me try runner and I sure as hell am not gonna try it if I don’t know what the hell it is!”  I contradicted.  During the tour Alby had told me every purpose of each job except runner, telling me exactly what Gally had said.  I sure as hell wanted answers and this was my chance to get them, at least I hoped it was.

        “I’ll tell you myself if you do by some miracle become a runner.” Gally huffed at me.  Great a one on one chat with Gally about my new potential job…if I even got it. 

        “What are you thinking Alby?” Winston asked he was the only one who truly didn’t care where I ended up as long as I pulled my share of the work.  Alby had his head turned toward Winston when he was asked the question.  What was Alby thinking?  He was probably the one to ultimately decided what I was gonna be doing for the rest of my life probably.

        “I’m thinking we might have to have her try runner.” Was his response.  This threw the room into an out roar.  People were angry at the fact that they might not have me as a worker.  They also might have been a tiny bit angry that a Greenie let alone a girl was being considered for what seemed to be one of the top jobs…or at least one of the most important ones.  They had been talking for a long time now.  There was a lot of angry pointing at other keepers and at me and just general pointing.  Finally Alby motioned for everyone to quiet down and turned towards Minho and I.

        “Will the respective keeper step forward and claim Minho.” Alby said out loud.  There were a few moments of silence before Gally stood up from his chair.  “Minho you’re now free to leave.  Report to Gally first thing after breakfast tomorrow morning.” Alby added after Gally sat back down.  Minho slowly started walking towards the hut door and when he reached it he looked back at me with a sympathetic place.  Even only knowing each other for such a short amount of time he knew I didn’t like people arguing over something stupid, especially when it involves me.  He left after that and the room was back in silence trying to figure out what to do with me and my lack of job. 

        “She tries runner end of story.” Alby said out loud looking towards Newt.  He turned around and looked at me “She has to spend one week as a med-jack first.  My decision is final.” And with that he just left.  One by one everyone started filing out except Clint and Newt, which were obviously keepers of the med-jacks and runners.  Alby had never asked my keepers to step forward and claim me and he never explained why I would start with med-jacks but I had a feeling he remembered more about a girl’s anatomy than anyone else here.  Awkward now that I’ve realized this… I wont be able to look at him for a while I guess.

        “Okay looks like you’re with me for a week.” Clint said kind of awkwardly.  He kept looking down at his feet expressing just how awkward he felt. 

        “I say during meals and at night I get to fill her in on what she’s up against before she actually goes out there.” Newt said from beside Clint.  Makes sense I mean everyone was worried about me trying runner cause I was a girl, which is a foolish thing to worry about might I add, so if Newt slowly started filling me in on the things I would need to know while I was working with Clint I should be more prepared, in theory at least.  Clint nodded his head in agreement and turned to me.

        “Okay after seeing Newt off in the morning you’ll come to work.  Deal?” he asked both me and Newt, we both agreed by nodding our heads.  Clint then left to go and attend to the people, typically builders I’ve noticed, who were waiting for him back in the homestead leaving Newt and I alone.  I turned towards Newt after watching him leave.

        “So where do we start?” I asked finally grateful that I’ll be getting the answers to the questions I’ve had swirling in my head.  Newt was always straight forward with me so I knew he would tell me what I wanted to know.

        “We start at the beginning obviously.” He responded.  What did he mean by that statement.  What the hell was even the beginning anyway?  Did he mean the beginning as in what Alby had already told Minho and I?  This kid does not even make sense, his statement was too general to have a clear meaning.

        “I thought you got straight to the point.  The beginning isn’t a very straight forward word.  What or where is the beginning?” I asked voicing one of my many questions.

        “The beginning is what runners do.” He responded with a shrug as if it was nothing. Bloody hell this guy just wants to play hard to get doesn’t he?  If he did then he sure as hell was doing a good job at it.

        “What the hell do we do then?” I asked getting irritated with him already.  I was not one to play games as you can already tell with Gally and his stupid stuff.

        What he responded with next would open up a whole new meaning to the word life, “We run The Maze.”

** Here it is!  Like I said in the previous part I am sorry that I didn't post yesterday!  This part is the second out of the two parts I said I would post today (11/15) to make up for me not posting yesterday!  I'll post again monday (11/17)**

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