Running Prep

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        Newt came the next morning as he had been doing for the past week.  I pulled on my boots without hesitation and began to follow him.  It was really dark outside for me at least so I had a hard time telling where I was going so I just followed his back.  Finally he stopped and opened a door that seemed to appear out of nowhere and let me inside.  I looked around and there was a few other people there gathering stuff together. 

        “Here you need a bag with food and water on you at all times.” Newt said as he handed me a backpack that had two straps and an easy clasp buckle thing that opened it up and stuff. 

        “Okay keep back pack with water and food at all times.  Check.” I said as I checked over the backpack for any possible holes or something. 

        “Also you’ll need a weapon just incase.” He said as he plopped down a bucket full of shark things.  I looked briefly until I saw a pair of knives that appealed to me.  I picked them up gently and examined them; they were light but the blade was substantial to do damage if it needed too.  Perfect for running basically!  While I was looking at my weapons a boy came up to me holding some type of fabric thing.  He was holding them out to me like it was nothing out of the ordinary.

        “What are those?” I asked out loud wanting an answer.

        “Running undies….uhhh for…you know…”Newt began as he was kind of hinting as to what they were used for.  I was puzzled for a few seconds until I remembered that they have things down there.

        “Uh I don’t need those.” I said as a different runner handed me a pair of these ‘running undies’.  This guy obviously did not know the anatomy of the female body.  He embodied the word awkward in those few moments as he shuffled away still holding the running undies.  Just picture like really sad music in the background and in black and white as he walks away from you.  It was quite hilarious from my point of view if I do say so.

        “Okay so you have your pack?  Food?  Water?  Weapons?” Newt asked as he double-checked his own pack.  I assume he already had running undies on already; I forever just gonna laugh at the name no matter what.  I nodded my head as I slipped my pair of knives into a part of the backpack where I could easily reach them if I needed too.  It was a quiet walk from the random room or building thing to the doors, all you could really hear was our footsteps and slight snores of the still sleeping gladers.  We came to a stop outside of the doors as we waited for them to open.

        “So we just run for hours on end.  All while playing attention to the pattern of the walls inside The Maze?” I asked as Newt and I stood outside of the doors waiting for them to open.  Just before he responds back the doors open and we get ready to run.

        “Yup.  Oh and make it back before the doors close.” He added the last part as if it was an after thought.  As soon as he finished that sentence he took off running leaving me behind slightly.  It took me a couple of moments to realize he left and I took off after him.

        “Newt don’t you think mentioning the door thing would have been important enough to tell me sooner and not as we’re running into the maze that I still don’t know!”  I yelled as I ran behind him.  The walls were tall as they were towering above us and they were covered in vines.  Not all of the vines went to the top but those that did weren’t very big so they weren’t climbable; well at least not enough to climb to the top to find a way out. 

        “I mean it might have been mentionable but you kept asking questions so it slipped my mind.” He yelled as he slightly turned his head towards me.  “Now stop talking and take notes!” he added as he turned his head around and kept running.  Okay look around and take notes that’s what I had to do.  Should be simple enough…well simple as writing as you’re running can be simple.  My notes were basically what I thought about the vines how many cracks there were in the ground before we turned, where we turned, and how Newt ran so that I could improve in the future to make myself more efficient.  To be fair it gave me an excuse to look at him.  I mean he was muscular to an extent and he had blonde hair that didn’t move much when he ran.  He also moved his arms a lot when he was running…based on his arms I bet he’s a really good hugger.

        We briefly stopped around noon to eat lunch before we got right back to running.  Nothing really stood out to me that Newt didn’t shoot down with an explanation right away.  I kept an eye out for any signs of grievers but there was nothing so guess they weren’t out today.

        “Okay this is the end now we run back hopefully before the doors close.” Newt said after waiting for a minute so we could get a drink of water while we weren’t running.  I took a swig of water and place the bottle back in it’s holder on the backpack and nodded my head towards the way we came saying I was good to run back.  Newt nodded his head and we both took off running again but me being me I had a question for him.

        “So if we don’t make it back before the door closes then we would be stuck out there?” I asked randomly.

        “Yup so let’s get back before that happens okay?” he replied as we both took off running in the direction of the doors.  We made completely random turns, well at least for me they were random but they were familiar to Newt, until we turned a corner and saw the glad through the two doors.  We easily ran through the doors and into The Glade and slowed down a bit.

        “Okay so day one of running done.  Is there anything else that we need to do?” I asked in between panting.

        “Yeah we need to go to the map room and record the pattern for the day.  Come on.” Newt said as we took off on a light jog into the forest area. 

        We were jogging in the forest area for a couple of minutes before we came up to this hut that was made of thicker wood than any other building in The Glade.  Hey this is where we were earlier!  It was just to dark for me to notice where we actually were when we went there.

        “This is where runners go after they finish running for the day.  We record our findings and store them here.” Newt said as we went into the building.  There were a few papers everywhere but there was also a few runners filing them away before leaving to go be somewhere else I guess.

        “Yeah you also get your running undies from here Newt!” I said as I patted his shoulder and sat down while grabbing a piece of paper and began to draw out the route we took today to the best of my knowledge.  Newt occasionally helped or gave me tips for making the map better or how to take more precise notes.

        Things continued to be the same.  Newt would wake me up in the morning and then we would get out stuff together and then we would wait for the doors to open.  Then we would run until lunch barely talking because we were focusing but on our way back we chatted as best we could.  We grew closer as time went on…I could also tell he thought about Harry a lot more now because I’m here and he’s told someone.  He doesn’t want me to die and I don’t want him to die either.  We are running partners and we had a bond.

Key Keeper-The Maze Runner Fanfiction/Newt StoryWhere stories live. Discover now