First Day of Working

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        We started our first job or jobs I guess that afternoon after lunch had been served.  I noticed that at lunch Newt hadn’t returned from where ever he ran off to but I guess he’ll come back later.  Back to my point that afternoon we or should I say I worked with the Track-Hoes and was stuck by Zart’s side the whole time.  In Alby’s words it was ‘for my protection’ or some stupid reason like that.  Minho had been sent to work with the Builders and was with Potato guy.  Again according to Alby we shouldn’t really see each other until our jobs were decided to avoid any potential quote unquote problems.  Sheesh you try and run one time and you’re put on a stupid watch. 

            Overall I think I did extremely well at this job and Zart was raving about how well I was doing so I guess that’s a good thing?  However I just never really liked it that much to be like ‘oh yeah this is the job I want’ so I guess I wont get this one; hopefully.  I mean it was hard work but not too hard I guess.  I’m not making sense anyways according to Zart it was dinner time and also that I would be trying another job tomorrow as we walked towards the homestead.  Frypan had cooked up some pork with green beans and mashed potatoes, poor Potato he has to be a cannibal tonight, with of course water.  I sat across from Minho and were kind of in a secluded area…well I wouldn’t really wanna call it secluded cause no one was sitting by us but there were plenty of seats around.  Guess since we’re new people don’t like us.

            We were quietly eating our food when a figure decided to plop down right next to me.  I looked up from my plate to realize it was Newt who had obviously returned from wherever he was.  I gave Minho a ‘what the heck face’ and he just shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating his food.  I picked at my plate for a few seconds before Newt spoke up.

            “So what jobs did you guys get today?” he asked and then took a bite out of his pork.  Okay I guess he was gonna be friendly to us both then.

            “Well…Minho worked with the builders today and I worked with the track-hoes.  We only worked half days though and I don’t know why.” I replied slowly at first.  It was weird having someone be nice to us even if he had offered me bread this morning. Minho nodded is head saying that he was agreeing with what I said.  At this point all of us remained silent not knowing what to say or talk about.  Or for me to not open my mouth and ask to many questions so I wouldn’t get in even more trouble.  After some time passed both Minho and I had finished our food but decided to just sit around for awhile.  That time didn’t last long as Alby came up to us as well as Potato guy.  Great what do they want.

            “Minho you can go back to the place you slept last night.” Alby stated and Minho replied with a nod then he turned to me.  “Greenie you’re going back in the pit.”  Now this is when both Minho and Newt became outraged.  Sure I was too but I wasn’t gonna put up a fight with them at this exact moment.

            “Why does she have to go back into the pit?!  Surely she’s had her time for trying to run!” Newt said very loudly at Alby.  I silently agreed with him in my head because I mean come on I tried to run big whoop.

            “That’s not fair!” Minho shouted.

            “She keeps disrespecting other gladers and you know Newt that we don’t tolerate that and Minho shut your trap you’re in no position to defend her because you’re still a greenie too.  I just happen to know your name so I don’t call you one.”Alby stated harshly.  God damn did they wanna know my name that badly?  Well fine then.

            “Hey this greenie has a name!” Newt said as he stood up for me.  Alby just cocked his head and Potato just started laughing out loud with his arms crossed against his chest.

            “Oh so this chick has a name!” Potato began in between his fits of laughter “What is it then?” he finished.  Gosh did I hate this guy with a passion.

            “Wouldn’t you like to know Potato!”  I calmly replied back.  I was still sitting down while everyone else was standing up so it made me look very small among these four guys.

            “Hey the more you call Gally that stupid name then that just prolongs your time in the pit!” Alby said after I had made my remark.  Ugh guess I’ll have to stop calling him that for a while then cause I didn’t wanna spend all my time in that lovely pit of mine.  I huffed and nodded my head saying that I would stop…or at least slow down the rate of me using that name.

            “This still isn’t fair Alby.” Newt said as he looked in between me and our lovely leader.  “And do you really need Gally here?” he added.  Yeah why was Pota- oh wait why was Gally here? 

            “I’m here incase she puts up a fight.  Or if anyone tries to put up a fight.” Gally said while looking between Newt and Minho.  Wait wasn’t Gally a builder…acting as a bagger this doesn’t make sense.

            “You’re a builder Gally not a bagger.  Isn’t everyone supposed to stick to their job?” I asked voicing my own thoughts for once.

            “Yes he is a builder and typically I would have a bagger with me but he fits what I need more.” Alby stated plainly.  Everyone was still kind of fuming with anger after a few moments but this wasn’t necessary being angry with each other.  With a huff and a sigh I got up and headed in the general direction of my lovely abode.  While doing so I called back to Gally and Alby.

            “Are you guys gonna come lock me in or what?”  By the time they had reached the pit I was already inside sitting against a wall just waiting for them to close and lock my little door.  Alby had a shocked kind of look on his face and Gally just reeked with satisfaction which was annoying.

        “I’ll come back in the morning to take you to your new job.” Gally said as Alby locked the door and walked away.  Soon after saying this Gally left as well which left me to my thoughts.  Great I was stuck with Gally tomorrow…for a whole day.  My life is just perfect right now.

**Sorry if you think the last few chapters have been kind of slow moving but I have a hard time trying to figure out what is gonna be in a chapter and where to end a chapter.  I'm trying my hardest to make them seem better I promise!**

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