Working and Council of Keepers: Part 1

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        Things were relatively boring with the med-jacks for most of the morning.  Minus the guy I was helping now until Clint started yelling.

         “Greenie come down here!  There is someone I’m sure you’re gonna wanna treat!” I heard Clint yell from the floor beneath me as I finished cleaning a track hoes cuts from some stupid plant.  I nodded towards the guy telling him he could get back to work and left the room heading towards Clint’s voice.  It didn’t take long to find him standing there with Minho who was cradling his arm to his chest.  What did this boy do to himself?  I grabbed him by his elbow, not the injured arm might I add, and dragged him to the room I was just in with the track hoe.

         “What did you do to yourself Minho.” I muttered as I ushered him to sit down while I gathered bandages and other things I would need.

        “I was cutting wood and two guys carrying a tree truck were behind me and one of them slipped so I kind of cut my arm a bit.” He said.  Once I had gathered all the stuff I needed I returned to his side.  I gently took his arm away from his chest to see most of it was covered in blood, not a lot of a good portion of the shirt was now stained.  I sighed and grabbed a cloth and dipped it into a basin of water that was in the room and began to clean away the blood from the wound.  Once it was clean as it was gonna get I poured some alcohol thing so it would kill any bad germs and then wrapped it in bandages.

        “You should be fine in an hour but you can’t do anything to strenuous cause we don’t know how much blood you lost.” I stated as I cleaned up and put things back where they belonged.  “Stay here for the hour incase you pass out though.” I added as I walked out the door to tell Clint what happened and such.

        The rest of the day was uneventful even when Gally came here demanding that Minho had to go back to work.  Clint stood by what I had told Minho about taking it easy and stood up to Gally.  He was persistent that Minho needed to take it easier than the others if not easy otherwise he might be out of work for a much longer period of time.  Gally had no choice but to agree and stormed out in a huff with Minho slowly following behind much to Clint’s dismay and mine.  Dinner that night was a nice salad with chicken but I only ended up eating the salad cause the chicken looked questionable to me, no offense Frypan.

        You would think after awhile falling asleep in The Glade would get easier and for Minho it did but not for me.  Sure it was quiet and peaceful but I could never get used to it.  I would spend at least an hour every night looking up at the starry sky and wonder why we were all here.  Why hadn’t anyone got out yet?  It was the same thing every night since I got there and I had a feeling it wouldn’t change.

        I woke up the next morning with ease and went and got breakfast like usual waiting for Alby to come and get me for my job of the day or something like that.  However I noticed key figures were missing from the usual people who were eating like the keepers and Minho.  Where were they? 

        I got up and walked into the kitchen when all of a sudden I heard footsteps running my way.  I turned around and saw it was Newt who was running up to me.

         “Kai come with me.” Newt said as he slowed to a stop slightly out of breath from the running he had done.

        “Why?” I asked as I put down my plate of empty food in the kitchen to make it easier on Frypan later.  If he was running it must be important but I still wanted to know why.

        “The keepers are having a meeting.  We’re gonna decided what jobs you and Minho get today.” He said and that is all he needed to say.  I followed him without a word to see how my fate would be decided.

        He led me to a small place that looked like a hut kind of thing.  He held the door open for me as I walked in and he came in after me and then closed the door.  I saw Minho was sitting in the middle of the room in a chair and there was another chair placed next to his; I turned my head towards Newt.  Newt nodded his head toward the chair saying I needed to go and sit there while he walked to a different empty chair in a row with other people.  I walked towards the chair and Minho slowly seeing as I had no idea what was going on.  When I got there I sat down and looked at Minho who was looking at me.  He didn’t know what was going on either…great.  I looked forward and saw that Alby and the keepers were in front of us.

        “You two are here in front of the council of keepers so we may decide your jobs.” Alby stated while still sitting down.  “However we cannot give you a job until we know your name.” he stated directly towards me.  Oh I still hadn’t told anyone but Newt and Minho my name…I guess Newt decided that they didn’t really need to know. 

        “Kai.  My name is Kai are you happy now?” I huffed and I slumped back in my chair.  There were a few mutterings of people saying my name testing it to see how it rolled off their tongues.

        “You are a difficult one aren’t you?  Almost as difficult as Gally here.” Zart began as he clapped Gally on the back.  “Maybe she should be a builder.  Everyone who was working the same day she was said she was great!” he added.  Well that was nice knowing others thought I did great when I thought I was just average at it.

        “She cooked very well too.  I say she becomes a cook!  I mean she is a girl and aren’t they supposed to do that?” Frypan said.  Oh hell no! 

        “Just because I’m a girl does not mean I belong in a kitchen Frypan!” I shouted almost getting out of my seat until Minho stopped me shaking his head no.  Again people were muttering about one of my many outburst to come I’m sure.

        “Minho excelled at building.  I want him as a builder.  I couldn’t care less about what the girl becomes.” Gally stated and sat back in his chair with his arms crossed across his chest.  I scoffed and rolled my eyes and copied his movements sitting back in my chair and crossing my arms.  There was yet again more of their stupid muttering as they discussed what Minho would be doing.  Of course they temporarily forgot about me but hey I didn’t mind.  Finally Alby, who had walked up to the table to join the discussion, quieted everyone down and turned to speak.  They had decided what Minho’s job would be but weren’t gonna say it just yet.

        “Well Kai what are we gonna do with you?” Alby said as he turned around from the council of keepers.

**Did anyone notice the Tarzan reference?  If you did you should comment and say what it was ;)  Also sorry I didn't post yesterday!  I completely spaced that I planned to post even though I wrote it down!  So today (11/15) you will be getting 2 parts and I'll resume my every other day posting schedule! So next time I will post will be Monday (11/17)**

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