The Pit:Part 2

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        "Look I don't know anything!  How do you expect anyone to remember stupid information when they can barely remember their own fudging name?!" I shouted.  Honestly I'm sure when they first got here they didn't remember anything.  Why would they think that I was any different?  Hypocrites.

        "Look Alby she isn't gonna give us any answers lets just leave her alone yeah?" another person voiced.  Wait a hit second... I know that voice!  It's the person I bumped into!  The guy with the blue eyes!

        "Hey you!  Blue eyes with the accent!  Come here will you?" I tried to ask as nicely as I possibly could at the moment.  I saw Alby briefly shrug then he moved out of the way and heard footsteps head in my direction.  Then I saw blue-eyed guy kneel right where Alby previously was.  He was adorable.  No not hot, not yet at least, but he was definitely adorable.

        "What do you want?" He asked with this lovely British accent.  Boy was I never gonna get used to it.  I took a few moments to recognize more of his features, besides his accent and eyes.  His hair was blonde and didn't hit his shoulders but it was slightly messy.  He also had tiny freckles scattered across his face, they were so small you probably wouldn't notice unless you were as close as I was right now.

        "What's your name?" I asked.  Simple question should get a simple answer am I right?  WRONG!  Note to self teach these boys the meaning of simple.

        "Why do you want to know?" He cheekily replied back.  Oh so this boy is playing back?  I already liked this guy.

        "I have to know your name if I'm gonna yell at you for stopping me from running.  I mean it is only fair isn't it?"  I replied back.  Two can play at this game boy.  He gave off a little half laugh half puff of air as he shook his head with a smirk.

        "Name's Newt.  Now you know happy?" He asked me.  Hmmmm Newt.... that was an interesting name.  At least Alby and Minho’s name fit what they looked like.  Hell even potato nose guy, Gally but I'm gonna stick with my name for him, his name fit him!  Newt...just did not fit what he looked like.

        "I'm so overfilled with joy that I know your name now.  Thank you very much!" I sarcastically responded.  I now knew a total of four name of the people here...wait what was here?  "If you aren't gonna answer all of my questions can you at least answer one?" I asked.  He gave me a simple nod of the head saying yes he could answer at least one of my many questions.  "Where am I?" 

        "We call this place The Glade."  Was his simple reply.  FINALLY!  A boy who understand the meaning of simple!

        “Thank you for finally giving me a straight answer.” I replied in gratefulness.  I let go of Minho’s hands finally after holding them for all this time.  Turning my back towards them and sitting down; I had a feeling that was the only answer I was gonna get today.  There was shuffling behind me as they got up and probably left.

        “You know,” Newt began “it’s only fair since you know my name that I should know yours.” He reasoned.  In normal circumstances he would be right, but this was obviously wasn’t normal.  “Unless you don’t remember it yet than I understand.  I didn’t remember mine until a week after I got here.” He added.

        “I remember my name.” I said quietly but he still heard.  He seemed to be more of a listener than a talker; similar to Minho I realized.

        “Okay well I think I know how you work.” He stated.  This boy thinks he can understand me in the matter of an hour.  We don’t even know each other.

        “You can’t understand me.  I’ve barely been here for a couple of hours let alone the hour I was out for. Also we’ve been talking for less than an hour.  There is no way you can understand me.” I replied snarly turning my head slightly in his direction.  He just shook his head at me.  What is with people and shaking their heads?

        "On the contrary I can know you pretty well.  I was like you minus all the sass.  I had a lot of questions when I first got here."  He stated.  How can you be like me but without the sass?  Ha! Found a flaw in what he said go me.  However him saying that did bring up another question in the hundreds already in my head.

        "How long have you been here?" I asked maybe he could at least tell me that much.  

        "I got here around the 4 month mark of The Glade existing so about two months." He reasoned.  So The Glade had been around for 6 months...well 6 months of people surviving in it.  

        "Let me guess dear old Alby has been around for all of those 6 months so he's the leader, right?" I sarcastically reasoned back.  He gave me a simple nod back for an answer.  

        "That's all you get today Greenie." He said getting up and walking away.  I felt the sudden need to tell him something.

        "Wait! Newt wait." I called out fully standing up and moving right next to the door.  He turned as if to say 'what do you want?' "My name is Kai." I said loud enough for him to hear over the small distance.  He smiled slightly and began walking away again.  

        As he was walking away he called back, "Welcome to The Glade Kai."

**So sorry I didn't post yesterday but I will be posting two chapters today (this one and another one later tonight) and then I'll resume my every other day posting schedule!**

**PS her name is pronounced like Kylie but spelt Kailey**

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