Twitchy and Stupid Decisions?

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"They know what they're doing." I said to him as we watched until they were out of our sight. I just heard him sigh and he turned towards me.

"You and Ben knew what you were doing and look what happened." He whispered almost harshly. This boy lets pressure get to him to easily.

"Newt they'll make it." I said as I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders in a comforting hug. "Besides Minho knows if he dies without me I'd kick his ass. He's more scared of that than anything." I joked trying to lighten up his mood. He let out a slight chuckle as he wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me back. We stood there in each others arms for a while before I pulled back.

"Now come on we've got a Glade to run." I whispered as I pushed some hair out of his face. He smiled slightly and did the same too me while placing a kiss to my forehead.

"I have a Glade to run and you have a Gally to keep under control." He responded as we pulled apart and began walking to the homestead.

"Is that an official order sir?" I joked as I bumped his hip. He let out a light laugh and nodded his head. "Well then...guess I better start waking people up." I said as we reached the homestead.

We started to head our separate ways before I called out to him, "Newt if you need to...just come find me okay?" I said. He nodded his head and walked off to do whatever he was gonna do.

Newt never came to fine me that day...not even when it started pouring down rain halting all of our work. Most of us had found shelter where we would normally eat and the rest of us were scattered in little huts or just hiding under trees in the deadheads seeing as nothing could get done. Newt was currently leaning his back up against one of the main support beams in the middle of the room while I was standing between him and Thomas. Thomas had decided to lean forward against one of the outer beams with a nervous air about him.

"They should be back by now." Thomas started as he was hugging onto a support beam "What happens if they don't make it?" he asks turning towards Newt while tapping his fingers nervously.

"They're gonna make it." Newt says as he stares at the doors without moving. Thomas hasn't stopped twitching and its making me nervous just looking at him.

"What happens if they don't?" Thomas presses as he pushes himself off the support beam and walks over to Newt.

"They'll make it." I said as I intereveened not wanting Newt to respond cause I could see him breaking. Thomas just twitched a few more times and finally walked off leaving us alone. Everyone was huddled under some type of shelter avoiding the rain that was pouring down.

I waited until I knew no one else was gonna come up to us before I spoke "They'll be fine Newt...they both know what they're doing." I laid a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him.

"What if they don't come back Kai..." he begins "I can't...I can't lead these guys." He finishes almost stuttering out the last part. I knew he was hesitant about leading these guys when they didn't even know the true story of what happened to his leg but he should be fine.

"Look," I sighed not really knowing how else to help "Newt you'll be in charge and that's some scary klunk but I'm more concerned about Gally being your second." I whispered quietly. It wasn't a secret I didn't like Gally but when it came to the order of things I didn't trust him with anything. We both slyly looked over where Gally was taking refuge under a smaller shack with some of his builders. To be honest he didn't look all that upset about Alby not being back on time.

The rain didn't last long and all of the gladers were waiting by the doors before they were supposed to close. Gally had taken up a squatting position on the ground while I was pacing almost just behind him and Newt, who was with Thomas right up in front. Besides Newt he was the only reason I was here and hadn't run off into the maze never to return. I had fooled myself all day thinking they would be fine and that they would make it but now with reality setting in I was scared Minho wasn't coming back.

The silence was finally broken when we could hear thumping, of the walls, far out in the maze. Not so far after Thomas decided to speak up.

"Come on, guys, can't we send someone after them?" he pleaded...he really didn't wanna lose Minho and Alby. Newt was rubbing his mouth or chin area...I can't really tell cause I'm pacing...but I know he does this when he's freaking out or thinking really hard.

"That's against the rules." Gally responds "Either they make it back or they don't." he adds as he peers into the maze. The bloody git wouldn't even care if everyone in the glade died unless he would die to. I hate him I swear I do.

"Even if we could it would be a runner we would send out." I added quietly. "We can't lose someone who knows so much about the maze."

"Like Kai said," Newt began quietly moving his hand to rub up and down his opposite arm "We can't risk losing anyone else." He finished solemly. When the wind rushes in from the maze I know what's happening...the doors our closing and our friends aren't making it back. Gally stands up staring at the doors as everyone else begins to murmur and I can hear Chuck whisper an "oh no" as they realize the doors are closing. All of a sudden Thomas points his finger into the maze.

"There!" he says and we all look in the direction he's pointing. At the very end you can barely make out one blob that was composed of two figures. You can then hear that one of them is grunting very loudly.

"Wait, no something's wrong." Newt says as he studies them closer. So do I...Minho was carrying Alby back...something had happened to Alby. Everything happened so fast after that but it all seemed to move in slow motion.

I turned slightly towards Newt and placed my hand on his arm leaning up to his ear and whispered "I'm sorry." Before he could even respond I was running out into the closing maze towards Minho and Alby. We had a better chance of making it back if two of us were carrying Alby's weight. I heard all of the gladers scream as I slid to slow walk as I reached them wrapping one of Alby's arms around my neck and wrapped my left arm around his waist and began to drag him. Minho just kept grunting and dragging him along with me trying to get back to the glade in time while all the others were yelling for us to hurry up.

Thomas' POV

The doors are closing more and more as everyone yells for Minho and Kai to hurry up or just leave Alby behind. I finally hear Newt speak since Kai ran out into the maze.

"They aren't gonna make it." He says with dread coming to terms with what was happening. I almost don't hear the "She's not gonna make it." Come out of his mouth before I make one of the most stupidest decisions I can remember.

Key Keeper-The Maze Runner Fanfiction/Newt StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum