The Deadhead Incident

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Ben and I met up bright and early next to the doors before they opened like we always did.  Soon as the doors opened we were off running like no tomorrow.  We kept running going through many turns and looking up at the walls trying to find something new, which there wasn't but we still had to do it.

A few hours later Ben was calling out to me, "Kai let's stop for a second." As we both slowed down to take a drink and rest before we kept on running.  Out of the corner of my eye I see Ben lift up his shirt, probably to wipe off the sweat he had running down his face which was not attractive at all.  I turned my head away and heard Ben let out a loud groan and I then hear the oh so classic sound of a griever.  Turning around really fast pulling out one of my two knives I saw Ben struggling with a griever trying to get away.  I yelled and threw one of my knives into its face, well what I assumed to be its face, but it didn't stop.  The only thing that did was cause it to notice me and swing one of its metal arms out at me.  I tried to avoid it I really did but it caught me in the stomach and threw be backward not actually drawing any blood.  However my head did hit the cement wall pretty hard to the point where my vision went blurry and had spots all over but I was still conscious.  I slumped to the ground in pain not being able to get up but I could still hear Ben trying to fight the griever off.  He just kept groaning then all of a sudden it stopped and I heard footsteps running away from me.  Slowly I lifted and turned my head in the direction of the footsteps and saw Ben running back to the Glade but not how he usually runs.  That boy was stung!  God dammit now I have to go after him which wasn't gonna be easy.

I painfully pulled myself up off the ground using the wall and started with walking and worked my way up from there.  By some miracle I managed to find my way back before he was out of my sight. When I reached the open doors I saw Ben running into the deadheads for some reason yet no one was stopping him to ask what was up.  We were back a lot earlier than we should be so people should be questioning us.  I followed him easily as no one else had stopped to ask me questions, like they didn't see me.  My head had cleared up by now but it still really hurt as I kept running and panting.  Ben somehow managed to lose me in the deadheads but I could still find him by sound.

There was a loud grunt as a force hit another human being most likely to the ground.  I quickly ran in that direction to find Ben on top of Thomas strangling him.

"Thomas!" I yelled as I ran down the hill as fast as I could without falling and managed to kick Ben off of him and push him to the ground.  "Run!  Go1" I shouted at him trying to keep Ben on the ground but that was hard cause he was struggling a lot.  Thomas had managed to get up and run a bit away before Ben over powered me and slammed me to the ground.  I felt something pierce my skin on my arm but I refused to yell out and give anyone satisfaction off of that.  Ben didn't hang around me too long and ran after Thomas again.  I got up quickly despite my pain and ran after both of the boys.  I could hear Thomas yelling for help as we kept running but no one would hear him until we were out of the dead heads anyway.

Magically I caught up with Ben again and managed to tackle him down before I got up to run after Thomas.  I knew there was no way I could manage to take him down without anyone else so running was my best option.  I could see light breaking through the trees ahead so I knew we were close.  Thomas broke out first and yelled for help continuously.  Seconds later I broke through and people finally turned around to look at what he was yelling about.  I could see Newt with Zart off in the distance looking our way and I was about to yell out his name before I was tackled to the ground by Ben.  On my way down I let out a loud scream finally as he turned me over and pinned my arms above my head with one hand.  He used his other hand to try and strangle me like he did with Thomas and pinned my hips down using his knees, which was causing some serious pain.

Out of nowhere I see a shovel like object hit Ben straight in the temple and he lets go of me and falls off of me as well.  I quickly scurried away coughing up a storm trying to catch my breath.  A group of gladers were trying to pin Ben down and keep him still but that was still really hard.  I felt hands on my shoulders and I freaked out only to find out that it was Jeff, one of the med-jacks, and I calmed down.  He was looking over the bruises forming on my neck where Ben's hand had been; he also took a look at my arm and pressed some cloth to it to stop the bleeding.  Turns out one of the bones in the dead heads had made a very nasty cut on my arm that was causing it to bleed quite a lot.

I can see Newt looking back and forth between Ben and I with a worried look on his face.  I made some sort of motion that, apparently, conveyed that I was fine and to focus on Ben.  I don't understand how he knew what I meant cause I was just a shaking mess making a random gesture that even I didn't understand but oh well.  Within seconds I can see Alby come from behind a group of the guys and looked from Ben to Thomas to me and then back at Ben.

"Alright lift his shirt." Alby said pointing to Ben's stomach.  Ben immediately whipped his head towards Alby and became even more frantic begging for them to not.

"Lift his shirt!" Alby demands after no one immediately goes to lift Ben's shirt and show what we all thought and knew at this point.  I huffed and crawled over to them and ripped Ben's shirt up to reveal his wound where he was stung.  I held the shirt up long enough for everyone to see it and dropped and crawled backwards out of breath.  It took effort to crawl that amount of space and yank a shirt up from some dude who was thrashing against four or five guys most of which were builders so they were strong.

Ben pleads for them to not pull up his shirt as I did so.  He was pleading for his own life at this point.  Like I figured out...or well known...he was indeed stung which was not good.

"Take him to the pit." Alby said as he shook his head.  Newt and Gally as well as a few others picked him up and started carrying him to the pit; Clint went with them so he could look Ben over for any other injuries meanwhile Jeff helped me to the homestead.  When we got there he started to do it but I shooed him off because I could do it myself.  He just shrugged and said he would be with Clint looking over Ben and left the room.  Later Alby comes into the room and sits near me.

"What happened out there Kai?" he asked me quietly as I just looked at my hands.

"We stopped to take a rest and drink some water when he lifted up his shirt to wipe away some sweat.  I thought nothing of it because we hadn't heard anything until I heard him groan and then when I looked over I saw the griever." I started retelling what had happened in the maze.  "I tried throwing one of my knives to get it off him but instead it just lashed out and managed to throw me against the wall.  I banged my head pretty hard and when I could finally see I saw Ben run off.  I followed him and saw him trying to strangle Thomas.  I got him off and pinned him down while Thomas ran.  Ben over powered me and pinned me down and I guess he cut my arm with one of the bones or something.  After that I just ran after them and tackled Ben down again before running out into the open.  You know the rest." I stated as I just stared into space thinking.  I already knew what was gonna happen to Ben...he had attempted to harm not one but two fellow gladers today and that was our major rule.

Alby sighed before he spoke again, "You know what's gonna happen.  I know you two were getting close so if you don't wanna-" he started before I cut him off.

"I wanna be there.  For Ben I have to be." I whispered thinking about the Ben before he got stung.  It's true we had been growing close since we often ran together and it was hurting to know that we weren't gonna be anymore.

"You don't have to be there for Ben.  That Ben tried to hurt you...kill you even." Alby reasoned with me.

"For the Ben I knew and ran with, Alby, for THAT Ben I have to." I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek.

**Okay so you get 3 updates in one day ;) Dont' say I didn't do anything for ya shanks ;) That is the last update for the day! More parts coming in the next few days but this should tie you over don't ya think ;)**

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