Same Old Same Old

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        The next few days were kind of mellow.  No drama was going on cause Gally had been in the pit the last two nights and was still working.  Luckily he was nice to Minho when he was working with the builders yesterday and turns out Minho was working with the Med-Jacks when I took the kid in that day.  I had worked with the baggers and sloppers the past two days.  Let me tell you slopper is THE worst job ever and I’m so glad I didn’t apparently excel in that.  Bagger was pretty easy seeing as there were no dead bodies to deal with so we just walked around and helped out while also making sure people were doing their jobs.  Today I was supposed to be with Winston who was keeper of the slicers.

        I hadn’t been sent back to the pit ever since the Gally incident so I’ve been sleeping next to Minho the past couple of nights.  So naturally they would wake us both up at the same time since we had to start before anyone else since we didn’t have a certain job yet; Alby had woken us up this morning.  As Mino and I were eating our meager breakfast I was thinking.  I hadn’t seen Newt since before the Gally incident so I was wondering if he ever got back from where he was running.  As I think this he plops down right next to me.

        “Heard about the Gally thing.” He stated and then he took a bite out of his eggs.

        “Yeah.” I responded not really sure what to say.  “I haven’t seen you around the past couple of days.” I stated also testing to see how he would respond back.

        “Been busy but don’t worry your little head Greenie I don’t give up that easily.” He said with a smile in between bites of his breakfast.  “I see you’re barely eating anything…must mean you’re working with Winston today aren’t ya?” he asked.  I shook my head and pushed my food around the plate, I was not looking forward to killing any animals today.  “You’ll be fine.” He finished.

        We all sat around quietly for awhile until we all finished our food.  By then Alby came up with Winston and Zart; whelp Minho is being a track-hoe today.  We both got up and went with our respective keepers for the day not before I said the following to Minho, “Hey Minho you should do really well at this job!  It has part of your name in it!”  Lame joke I know but hey we trusted each other so I knew it wouldn’t matter.  I didn’t see his face but I knew he was smiling just a tiny bit.

        Working as a slicer wasn’t bad at first.  Winston just took me around explaining where everything is and what it did.  After that he just had me go around and feed some of the animals before the bad part came.  Just a little before noon he pulled me aside so he could make me kill a poor innocent pig.  The guy wanted me to chop it’s freaking head off!  I’m sorry I know we need its meat to survive but I would not kill anything personally; I would leave the killing to Winston.  After trying to convince me for about ten minutes he finally gave up and didn’t make me kill it but I did have to sit there and watch him do it.  Needless to say I really wanted to puke but I would not give anyone the satisfaction of that happening.  He finally dismissed me to go to lunch with the others as he needed to ‘clean things up’ before he went and ate himself.  That dude was creepy beyond all belief but hey he was still better than Gally I can guarantee that.

        Lunch was fairly boring and nothing was really said from my end.  Minho was quietly talking to me about what he had done so far with the track-hoes and said how he really didn’t want that job.  Something about how it didn’t fit his personality or something like that; don’t blame him either it didn’t fit my personality either.  After lunch we went back to our jobs for the day and resumed what was normal for them.

        Life in The Glade had become relatively boring the past couple of days.  I had tried out bricknick and cook and they weren’t quite right for me.  Well at least I thought personally they didn’t fit but when it comes down to it I wont have a choice.  I had only two jobs left to try which were med-jack and runner, well I really only had one left since Greenies apparently don’t typically get to try the runner job.  Today was my day to try med-jack while Minho was working with dear old Winston.  Instead of being met at breakfast by my keeper of the day I went ahead and just headed straight towards the homestead because I had been there before.  When I got there I just stood politely on the first floor waiting for someone to show up.  This was as far as I had gone last time so I don’t exactly know where they were in this building. 

        “Hey you’re here!  I was just about to come and get you!” Clint said as he came from around a corner and saw me standing there.  He gestured for me to follow him as he turned around and walked back around the corner.  I followed him and he led me to a basic room that had two beds in it.

        “Here is where we take most people give or take a few special occurrences but you shouldn’t have to deal with any of those today.” He explained to me.  Hmmm what kind of special occurrences?  He peaked my curiosity for the first time in quite awhile; which apparently according to my sass was not a good thing. 

**Sorry this one is so short but I just thought that where it ended was the perfect spot for it to end haha.**

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