Things Change...Not!

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It's been a long time. Two years...actually a little over two years since everything had happened. Life hadn't actually changed all that much like everyone expects it to much not much ever changed in the Glade. Alby was still first in command and Newt had been moved up to second in command a short while after his accident. No one ever speaks of that far as anyone is concerned it never really happened. Potato, also known as Gally, had been bumped up to third in command much to my dismay but I wasn't about to question my place. Minho had caught on really fast when I was training him; he was fast enough that he quickly surpassed me and became keeper of the runners. I was glad...I don't think I could handle that authority. He still came to me when he needed help making decisions or random things; he stilled viewed me as having more power than he did. I still had this need to rebel against what Alby said sometimes, thus I still got thrown in the pit a lot but hey a girls got to do what a girls got to do! They had added extra three pits as a precaution and they even added stones to the walls. How nice of them to make my home more decorated.

Month after month a new greenie came up like clockwork without question...same time too. Some were pretty calm and well others weren't as much. I was always running when they came up so I never really got to see them until much later in the day when they've calmed down.

I remember this one kid who ended up klunking his pants three times; his name is Chuck. He was actually really sweet and that made me like him, well made me want to protect him in anyway I could. Chuck was the youngest boy they had sent in all of the time someone was in the Glade. I saw him as a little brother almost....maybe more like a younger cousin one gets close to. He wasn't really good at much anything so the poor kid ended up with a job as a slopper or runs around with messages from person to person whenever he wasn't needed to do whatever sloppers do.

Third Person POV:

Thomas had wandered over to the opening in the walls that towered above him looking in. Suddenly two figures ran out from the opening and kept running on past him; he was so confused and slightly angered.

"I thought you said we weren't allowed to leave." Thomas said to Chuck in an almost accusing tone.

"I said WE weren't allowed to leave. They're different...they know more about the maze than anyone." Chuck started but he got really quiet when he realized he said the word maze.

"What maze?" Thomas started ask when he saw another figure run into the Glade from the opening. This figure was different wasn't a boy who had run into the was a girl! Thomas could have sworn that Chuck had said everyone here was a boy but clearly she was not. He just stares at Chuck with a confused expression on his face. "I thought you said everyone here was a guy?" he finally asked.

"Everyone is. She's different. No one see's her as a girl anymore; she's just one of us." Chuck started to explain to Thomas. Chuck wasn't lying either, the Gladers had come to look at Kai like another of them and not someone of the opposite sex.

"Don't the others...ya know...try things?" Thomas asked almost out of concern. Chuck just gave a small chuckled at the older boys words.

"At first yeah but not anymore. Even if she wasn't as hard working or anything like that she is Newt's so no one bothers. They're too scared of what could happen." Chuck finished as he led Thomas back to their hammocks.


Running had been tough today; well not tough just more so than other days. I had run by myself today as Ben had run with Minho. We had a system set up where Ben traded off running with me or Minho that way I could run on my own sometimes, not all the time but I was still thankful, and other times I had someone with me. Alby originally had made a rule where I wasn't allowed in the maze alone but quickly realized that it would make things easier, meaning I was more compliant, if I was allowed to so he came up with this system. I had run through the doors into the glade to see Chuck standing with someone I had never seen before. Oh right...the box came up today so he must be the new Greenie! I said nothing as I ran by because I had to get to the map room before tonight so I could actually rest. The greenie had a confused look on his face when he saw me but that wasn't new to anyone or me for that matter. It happened every time a greenie came up in the box and saw me, a girl, in a world filled with guys.

Mapping out what I had ran today was so easy that I could have done it in my sleep. Even though it was easy I took my time in the map room because I didn't wanna leave just yet. The party hadn't started was too early for I wasn't in a hurry. I just sat staring at the table that had a general lay out of the maze on it. We've been looking for three years to find a way out...why haven't we found anything yet? Not even a little speckle of something that proved there was even a way out. I guess I was staring at the table for a lot longer than I realized because Newt had come.

"C'mon we wanna light the bonfire but you aren't there." He tells me as he offers one of his hands to me. I nodded my head and grabbed his hand letting him help me up and guide me out. We were walking back to where everyone was for a bit before he spoke up.

"We'll find a way out okay. Stop worrying and enjoy tonight. You deserve it." He whispers into my ear so no one else would hear because we had reached people now. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders before leaning up to peck his cheek and let his hand go. He walked off in a direction towards Alby I think and I was walking towards Minho...well at first I was.

I saw the greenie sitting by a log with his back facing the bonfire. Well now was a good time as any to introduce myself to the guy, who must be confused as all klunk. After all if he had tried to make a run like Newt had said then he could be a runner in the future; despite his face plant. With quiet steps I quickly plopped down next to him and surprised him.

"What are you doing?" he asked me as I just sat there looking out in the direction of the doors to the maze just like he had.

"I'm introducing myself greenie, name is Kai." I said as I turned my head towards him.

"Won't either of us get in trouble if-" he started but I quickly stopped him.

"It isn't a rule to not talk to me. I may be a girl but I pull my weight just like everyone else. I mean I am a runner after all." I told him as I turned back to stare at the doors.

"Sorry. It's just being the only girl and all. Doesn't that seem weird to you?" he asked me. Boy was he full of questions and it was kind of annoying but I'll pleasure him seeing as it's his first night here.

"Yes and no. I'm here for a reason so it's not as weird as people make it out to be." I answered him. I decided to turn the questions back onto him.

"Is it true you tried to run when they got you out of the box?" I asked him obviously.

"Yeah but I fell on my face." He muttered quietly. He obviously did not like remembering his epic fail in front of everyone. I kind of felt bad for the kid...I mean he wanted to make it here that much I could tell and falling within minutes of getting here wasn't a good thing.

"Hey when I first got out of the box you wanna know what I did?" I asked him trying to take his mind off of what had happened. He just looked at me and nodded intrigued that I was offering this information. "I punched Gally...broke his nose basically." I stated simply without a smile as I looked at him. We both just stared and then broke out in a laugh at the thought.

"Did you really punch him?" he asked after he had calmed down a bit.

"Yeah," I responded, "No one can blame me! His nose looked like a potato so I just had to do something about it." I finished as I thought back to my first few moments in the Glade. "After that I ran too...with Minho actually." I also added. He just gave me a weird look as if he was asking for me to explain.

"Minho and I came up in the box at the same time. That was the second and last time more than one person came up in the box. No one questioned it though, not even Minho and I we just knew it was meant to be. We were unspoken best friends since the moment we woke up in the box." I explained about how Minho and I came up in the box.

"You're never questioned that?" Thomas asked. I mean at times yes but never fully questioned it.

"No...around here you tend to not ask questions. Things just work that way." I whispered as I looked down in my lap. Truth is I questioned things a lot but never really why Minho and I were sent up together...that's the one thing I would never wanna question. Mainly because I don't wanna know the real answer.

**Guess what's back Shanks ;)**

**Love ya <3**

Key Keeper-The Maze Runner Fanfiction/Newt StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz