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For a few seconds all you could hear were our heavy breaths as we stare into darkness. Our eyes not being used to the darkness just yet but someone had felt around and found a handle opening a metal door and then light flooded in blinding some of us. The person who opened the door was Teresa and she looked back at us before exiting the little room we had dropped into. Timidly we all followed out after her looking around to find that we were in a underground tunnel system of some sort. Suddenly lights on the ceiling came on starting from a far off end and then they light up in pairs running down the whole hallway almost like they were leading us someplace. Thomas turns back towards us before following the hallway in the directions the lights went on. We all followed in a tight knit group not really being on guard but more curious than ever. Never had we seen anything like this...the runners had seen similar things but a majority of these boys weren't runners and had never left the Glade before today so this was entirely new to them.

A little ways in the distance I see a green light reflect on the walls and I point towards it when I'm next to Thomas. He nods his head and leads us in that direction and as we get closer and closer we soon see that it's a light above a door. When we finally get infront of the door a few of us were peeved to say the least...namely Frypan and I verbally but I could tell Minho was peeved by his facial expression.

"Seriously?!" Frypan exclaims as we all look at the bright green exit sign that was above the door.

"Oh fuck...I seriously hate these guys." I angrily say as Thomas grabs onto the handle and opens the door slowly. Once the door is wide enough he slips through and we follow him again. Right away everyone can tell that something is off.

There are dead bodies on the ground with various blood spatters on them and the ground. There are also flashing and rotating yellow lights that I assume are some sort of warning system for anything that may have been bad; a faint whirring sound accompanied the lights. To our right a few steps from the door there is a large window into a room that held two bodies covered by white sheets...they had been shot staining the white sheets red. Finally someone speaks.

"What happened here?" Winston asks as Minho gently moves aside a gun with his foot which was formerly being held by a dead guy's hand. We move on not answering Winton's question and eventually come across a MUCH bigger room that had a lot of screens displaying different things. We all split apart and went to look at the various displays. Newt, Frypan and I ended up in front of some screens that showed the Glade and various brain scans...whose we weren't sure.

"So they were watching us....this entire time." Newt said as he took in the digital images of our home. Thomas was on his own viewing some keyboard screen things and one of which had a flashing red button that he decided to press. Seconds later a holographic monitor, or a monitor of some sort, popped up displaying a middle aged blonde women in a nice white shirt and jacket.

"Hello. My name is Doctor Ava Paige. I'm Director of Operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department." The lady on the monitor said. WCKD...she was the director of WCKD. "If you're watching this, that means you successfully completed the maze trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you," she paused and we had all managed to surround the monitor she was speaking from or on or whatever. "But circumstances seem to have prevented it. I'm sure by now, you must all be very confused," No shit lady! We just fought for our lives and now you're talking to us! "angry, frightened. I can only assure you that everything that's happened to you, everything we've done to you, it was all done for a reason." She stated. That's what they all say! It was all done for a reason my klunk! "You won't remember, but the Sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives lost to many things. But something came after that was much worse. We called it The Flare." Apparently the flare was a deadly disease thing that involved the brain and it's not curable...which was why they had us in the Glade or Maze thing. They thought we could survive the virus and that we might be a key to the cure. I zoned out for the rest of it but managed to tune into the last part of it. "WCKD is good." And then she pulled the trigged of the gun that was at her head. Many of us flinched at the sound it made and we all turned away and walked towards the room where her body was in. Suddenly a set of double doors opened up along with an alarm going off.

"Is it over?" Chuck asked as we stared at the now open doors.

"She said we were important." Newt added as he looked at Teresa and then at Chuck before speaking again, "So what are we supposed to do now?" Thomas just shook his head and said I don't know while looking at Chuck. We all made one tiny step towards the door before we heard something we NEVER expected to hear again.


**Surprise double update!  Last part will be posted in two days!  See ya soon shanks ;) **

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