Klunk Goes Down

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"The truth is, Thomas doesn't know what he's down as usual." Gally continued. Finally Thomas got fed up and decided to fight back...I knew there was a reason I liked him.

"Yeah, at least I did something Gally. I mean what have you done? Aside from hide behind these walls all the time?" Thomas said as he walked right back up to Gally. The boys were squaring off face to face...better get your popcorn boys there's a show about to start!

"Let me tell you something Greenie." Gally starts as he begins to talk with his hands. Jabbing his right pointer finger into Thomas' chest be begins "You've been here three days, all right? I've been here for three years!" he was really emphasizing the number three with his fingers.

"Yeah you've been here three years Gally and you're still here! What does that tell you? Maybe you should start doing things a little differently!" Thomas argued back. Ooohh low blow Thomas but during the time they choose to not whip out their mans parts onto a table to compare sizes Teresa was trying to get their attention finally I took pit on the quiet girl.

"Hey!" I yelled over everyone and they looked at me. I nodded my head towards Teresa so they could pay attention to her.

"It's Alby...he's awake." She said. The unnecessary boys looked at each other and went off to do their jobs leaving the rest of us behind. The rest of us being Newt, me, Minho, Thomas, Gally, Fry, and Teresa. We all began walking to the med-jack hut in silence as we were all tense about the situation.

Very Minor Time Skip (cause I lazy)

"Has he said anything?" Minho asks her as we all file into the small room he was in.

"No." she responds. Newt is the first one to go in front of Alby...or well right next to him.

"Alby..." Newt says quietly as he slowly sits down on the bed next to him. Alby is hugging a pillow close to his body as he stares blankly ahead. He was close to crying...I could tell because his eyes were glassy. "Alby are you all right?" Newt asks. I come up right next to Newt and lay a hand on his shoulder. Newt's best friend essentially just came back from the dead and he was obviously concerned. While I stood next to Newt Thomas went ahead and crouched down right in front of Alby.

"Hey, Alby we might have found a way out of the maze." He starts trying to coax a response out of him but when he gets none he continues "Do you hear me? We could be getting out of here." And to this Thomas gets a response.

"We can't." Alby whispers in the most heart breaking tone of voice I've heard him speak in. He shakes his head no just barely and comes closer to crying. "We can't leave. They wont let us." He adds on fighting back his obvious tears.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asks him.

"I remember." Alby says and we all give each other slight glances out of the corners of our eyes trying to not let Alby know what we were doing.

"What do you remember?" Thomas presses trying to figure out what Alby now knew...maybe it could help us.

"You," he says as he turns to look at Thomas and then he turns to me "and her." He finishes. He turns back to Thomas "You were always the favorite Thomas. Always." And that's the last we can get out of him because he finally breaks down into sobs. Off in the distance I can hear faint shouting but I brushed it off thinking that some boys were just arguing and it didn't require any attention but then I realized something. It was getting much darker than what it should be and I hadn't heard the doors close...maybe it was a cloud? Turns out I wasn't the only one to hear the shouting as Teresa's head was looking about trying to pinpoint where the shouting was coming from. The shouting grows louder until it sounds like its just outside the door. Thomas, as always it seems, leads us out with Newt and I being the last ones out. All we see are gladers running in every direction and screaming to one another. There is so much movement it's hard for me to focus on who is who running past us until my eyes land on a figure.

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