The Fight

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 "Well that's stupid." Thomas said after a few moments as he turned to look at the walls again.  I brought my head up and looked that way too.

 "'s klunk sometimes but so far that klunk has kept us alive." I said as we continued to sit in silence.  We both sat in silence for a few minutes just staring at the closed doors and thinking.  From the silence I could tell Thomas wanted to know more about what was out there but my bloody lovely Newt interrupted us.

 "You've been away for too long dear.  I'll sit with the greenie and chat while you go enjoy the fun." He said as he moved to trade me places.  I quickly stole one of the drinks he was holding and moved out of his way.

 "Thanks for the drink doll." I said as I sauntered away making sure to sway my hips just to annoy him.  I walked over to Minho and the rest of the runners who were just casually chatting away.

 "So Min what do you think about the Greenie?" I asked as I sipped my drink.  It was strong but hey you get used to it I guess.  Minho never really responded only looked at me and continued to eat his food.  "Fine Mr. Grump Gills...I don't remember running with Ben here was so aggravating." I joked as I nudged Ben who was next to me.  All of the runners laughed at this and even Minho gave one of his chuckle smirks he does every so often.

 The night hadn't really been all too exciting.  I mean it was cause we only got to act this way once a month and sometimes the runners would just bail cause we had to run the next day so we wouldn't wanna bother.  Newt had begun walking Thomas around talking to him and point and groups of people; probably telling him who was who and what they did.  I shook my head and sat next to Minho who was just looking around.  Finally Newt and Thomas had stopped next to Gally's fighting ring and were talking when Gally had pushed a boy out of the circle that knocked into Thomas.  I could faintly hear Gally asked him if he wanted to try but he didn't really have a choice the circle had already closed in around them.  Nudging Minho I got up and made my way towards the circle wanting to see how this ended; Minho followed behind me also curious.  We both found our way to the front and watched patiently.

 "That's not my name." Thomas said to Gally as he was being circled.

 "Oh really?  What's your name?  Shank?" Gally taunted as Thomas rushed at him.  This boy needs to learn rushing Gally is not the way to take him down.  Gally simply pushed him to the ground toying with him by not getting him out of the circle.  "Boys, I think I've settled on shank." Gally finished.

 Thomas got up and came at Gally again, boy does not learn, Gally pushed him and Thomas fell right into me.

 I quickly caught him and whispered in his ear, "Use his own strength against him." And pushed him back into the fight.  Sure I told him what to do but I was very vague about it; I wanted to see how he could think while he was fighting...something a runner may need to do at any moment.  He circled for a few moments before he rushed at Gally again only to have the same result.  Thomas was on the ground and Gally got closer to him thinking he was safe.  He wasn't, Thomas quickly swiped Gally's feet from under him and Gally fell.  They fought for a few more seconds when Gally somehow managed to bang Thomas' head on the ground; everyone was silent after that.  We could barely hear Thomas mutter something before he got up again.

 "MY NAME IS THOMAS!!!" he shouted to us.  The boy finally remembered his name, it only took a hard blow to the head, but he finally remembered his name.  Everyone gave a short clap or cheer for him remembering before Gally came in front of me.

 "What do you say Kai?" he asked me as he kept his fists balled up.

 "I say what the klunk you talking about Gally?" I responded being completely lost as to what he was saying. 

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