Teaser ;)

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It's been a long time.  Two years...actually a little over two years since everything had happened.  Life hadn't actually changed all that much like everyone expects it to much not much ever changed in the Glade.  Alby was still first in command and Newt had been moved up to second in command a short while after his accident.  No one ever speaks of that anymore...as far as anyone is concerned it never really happened.      

Hey Shanks,

That was a little sneak peak of "part two" of this book/story! I've finally finished with classes which is why I never posted! I have A LOT of the second part written but there are still some spots I need to go and make better! So you know what this means? Go ahead shanks guess....I'm waiting...no? Fine it means I ACTUALLY will be posting soon!!! If you're familiar with what happens when in the movie I'm roughly 50 minutes into it with it almost fully written! Get excited shanks cause Key Keeper is coming back!! ;)


Me :) <3

Key Keeper-The Maze Runner Fanfiction/Newt StoryWhere stories live. Discover now