Fighting Our Way Out

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"We'd rather risk our lives out there than stuck in here." Thomas added. Many of them looked between each other uncertain about what they were gonna do or who they were gonna choose. "We don't belong here. This place isn't our home." Thomas finished. The first person to leave Gally's ranks and come over to us was Winston and I was glad. Sure we hadn't talked much prior to any of this happening but we had kind of grown close because of what happened. Jeff and Clint followed shortly after with one of them muttering sorry as they walked by Gally. There were more randoms who I should really know by now but didn't.

"Gally it's over." I said as I moved to step forward just a tiny bit but Newt quickly pulled me back to his chest.

"Just come with us." Thomas pleaded trying to save everyone even the people he or no one liked.

"Good luck against the grievers." Gally said and that was that. No one else was changing sides and I was kind of upset that good hair builder wasn't joining us...oh well.

With that we turned our backs on our former home and began to do what we were always meant to Thomas was one of the last ones to turn his back and follow us but Minho quickly got to the front and led us in the direction of this Griever hole. For the most part I tried to stick by Newt because he was running with a limp and I was scared he might fall back because of it but he held his own really well. As I hoped he would because after all he was a really good runner before that stupid day. We all came to a stop behind Thomas who had gotten to the front at some point as well and hid behind a wall. He peaked around the corner all ninja and super secret agent spy like and turned back towards us.

"Is it a Griever?" Chuck asks and Thomas just nods his head. Someone muttered a curse word as we all looked worried once again.

"Here take this Chuck. Stay behind us." Minho said as he pulled out this thing they had found in the Griever Thomas killed and that was supposedly the key to opening this way out. Chuck took the thing from Minho with a child like shyness as Teresa said she would stick with him and that he needed to stay by her. She was also putting her hair up which must have been nice because she had something to tie it with. I never really had such a thing so she was obviously favored by these Creators as we were calling them...then again she used to be one of them so it kind of makes sense. But still that shit was not fair!

"Once we're through it'll activate and the door will open. We stay close, we stick together, and we get through this. We get out now, or we die trying." Thomas explained and gave us a pep talk at the same time. Go him! We all kind of were antsy and were jumping up and down slightly trying to get pumped for this fight a few seconds before it was about to go down. I sure as hell didn't want to die but that was more and likely gonna happen anyways. Thomas whispered a let's go and charged out from the wall and began running while screaming with all of us behind him. Those of us who had spears had them pointed and went ahead of the rest of us.

By some miracle we flipped the thing over us and now our backs were towards the door. Somehow and somewhere during the chaos that was this fight the thing that was supposed to activate flew out of Chucks hand and rolled right off the sides. My heart stopped before I saw Chuck hanging over the side with Teresa holding onto him and then I focused back onto this Griever we had flipped. Being blessed with another miracle we pushed the damn thing over the side and watched it fall out of our view.

However like the head of a hydra when you cut off one two more grow back in its place. Since we had "killed" one Griever many more showed up to avenge their stupid friend. The walls to the door opened up and we slowly began walking backwards while trying to fight off the new grievers.

"Thomas! There's a code! Eight numbers!" Teresa yells to Thomas. I hear him mumble something before he yells out to me.

"Kai what the sequence?!" Thomas yelled to me as we fought off multiple grievers. I didn't have time to respond because a griever came right at my face the little klunk.

"Alright Minho what's the sequence?!" Thomas yelled obviously getting the hint that I wasn't gonna be able to answer.

"7, 1, 5, 2, 6, 4!" Minho screams back all while fighting off the grievers.

"Heads up!" Newt screams and as I look up I see a griever falling down from the ceiling. Neither Minho or I moved away in time before it fell on us both trying to get at our necks.

Suddenly I hear a scream and then the end of one of our spears is poking through the stupid things head. I craned my neck and saw dark skin and knew it was Jeff. Minho and I quickly pushed ourselves out from underneath the thing and stood back up. Minho got back into a defensive stance as I rushed to the door where Teresa and Chuck were. This lock looked really futuristic and it if it was under better circumstances I would call it cool. While I was marveling at the locked door Minho had yelled the rest of the sequence while fighting but the door wasn't budging.

Teresahad typed the code in twice but the door wasn't opening. She was screaming back to Thomas to see ifthere might be another code that was gonna be of use. While she was doing that I pushed past herand Chuck and typed the code in myself. Seven. One, Five. Two. Six. Four. Eight. Three. Then all of a sudden ahand print scanner thing came up and without a second thought I press my handagainst it and the thing scanned it. Seconds later the doors came down crushing several grievers and then allof us were plunged into darkness

**Only two more parts shanks!**

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