Finally Getting Some Answers

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        “Look I’ll tell you tomorrow.  That’s when you start anyway, can’t technically tell you before then otherwise Alby might have my head.” He said as he patted my shoulder like I was a child.

        “Don’t treat me like a child, “I began as I pushed his hand off my shoulder “Listen Newt we’re gonna be working together so let’s get things straight here.” I added.  I was about to lay down some things that needed to be said.  “Number one do not treat me like a kid or a china doll that could break.”

        “I know you’re not a china doll.” He whispered under his breath as he leaned against a beam that ran to the ceiling; I’ll let that slide for now.

        “Also if I have questions you WILL answer them understand me?” I said as I walked up to him and poked him with my finger.  He raised his hands in defense and nodded his head yes.  “Good.  I’ll find you tomorrow morning before you leave and yes I know you leave early.” I began as I walked to the door stopping when I was halfway in and halfway out the door.  “Yes I knew you were gonna say something about it.  Guess we both have each other pinned.” I finished with a smirk and left.

        It was a typical boring day and night after that.  Guys talking and laughing at dinner and after that when everyone hung around for a bit until Alby came and made everyone go to sleep.  I still slept next to Minho, but I slept next to him by choice now cause Alby offered for me to stay in the homestead if I preferred but I declined.  I wasn’t gonna see a lot of Minho anymore since we had separate jobs and mine would involve me running around literally.  Just thinking about my job got me excited to start!  So when morning came I was eager to start as soon as possible; I woke up earlier than I had planned too and made my way over to the kitchen where the runners would be gathering their food for the day.  I caught sight of Newt sooner than I did any of the other runners.

         “Okay Newt what the hell is The Maze?  You had me wait all night now you need to tell me.” I said as I ran up to Newt who was gathering his food for the day.

        He kind of just ignored me like he hadn’t hear me say anything.  I would have believe the act if he hadn’t tilted his head in my direction when I called his name.

        “I know you heard me Newt don’t try to hide it.  For future knowledge don’t tilt your head in the direction the voice is calling from, it’s a tell.” I said as I stood next to him.

        “Bloody hell you’re good.  No other runner has noticed head tilts before.  That’s good,” he began as he looked at me, “You’ll need those observing skills when you go out into The Maze.” He finished and then turned back to his food.

        “Great now spill.” I said unenthusiastically with the great part.  I had waited all night like I said so I wanted answers now.  He made a promise so he had to stick by his promise otherwise…well I don’t know what I’ll do other wise but I’ll figure out a punishment for that later.

         “The Maze is exactly that a maze.  Everyday us runners go out into the maze to try and find a way out.  No luck so far before you ask cause knowing you that would be your next question.” He said while he gestured at me with an apple in his hand and at the last part he raised an eyebrow at me.  Well doesn’t he have me pinned as a person then.

        “Okay so a maze that no one has solved yet.  That’s what I’m ‘up against’?” I asked him.  Why are they so concerned about me going into a maze of all things?!  I mean it is just a maze nothing harmful can come from that can it?

        “Oh no it’s not just a maze,” he began as he nodded a thanks to Frypan who handed him a sandwich wrapped in plastic and he walked out the door.  “There are things in the maze nobody else but runners would understand.” He finished after we had left the building thing.

        “So what is out there then?  Other humans?  Animals?  What?”  I pushed.  We kept walking for awhile until he decided to answer by which we were already at the doors that were gonna open soon.

        “There are no humans or animals outside of The Glade.  We don’t know what they are.” He said.  Then the doors made a horrible grinding sound as they opened.  You could tell the gears were already starting to wear a bit and they had to push and pull ground that was beneath them.    It was an awful noise at first but you get used to it. 

        Anyways that’s the last of the information I got from Newt until dinner I guess because he took off at a run as soon as the doors were fully open.  I watched him until he was out of sight and started back to the homestead to start my work.  As I found out we didn’t really do much unless someone got hurt; which I might add was typically a builder or bricknick but hey that’s expected.  I wanted to be out there with Newt running already!  I hate sitting around doing nothing most of the time; yes I liked helping people but those were few and far in between. 

        Dinner came around and I was practically bouncing on my feet waiting for Newt to show up.  I had already finished my food practically when I got it so I wouldn’t be eating while asking questions.  Minho had eaten his food and went straight to sleep saying something about being dead tired from his first day cause Gally pushed him hard. Newt didn’t show up until it was practically over and everyone was just hanging around.

        “What took you so long?” I asked the second he sat down next to me and began eating.

        “Ran into something that was interesting had to take more time than usual.  No that doesn’t happen often.” He said as he started chowing down on his mashed potatoes.  Again he read my mind because I was gonna ask if that happens often.  He seems to do that a lot actually but then again so does Minho.  Can I trust him like I do Minho though?  My initial thought was hell no I can’t trust anyone like I trust Minho but maybe just maybe I could trust Newt too.

Key Keeper-The Maze Runner Fanfiction/Newt StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu