The "Accident": Part 1

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**Warning this may be a bit...bloody/spoiler-ish!**

        It had been at least three months since I started running, I knew that because we’ve had 3 new kids come up in the box.  Each one came alone unlike Minho and I; I also learned that the group after Alby were the only other group that weren’t loners…Newt’s friend Harry was in that group.  Also I didn’t run the week after the new kid came up because you know womanly issues and it was part of the deal.  One week a month I didn’t run but I had to work with the med-jacks.  Luckily the last kid to come up was about two weeks ago give or take so I was running again.

        It was the usual routine I would wake up get my shit together and meet Newt at the doors.  Granted I picked up a habit of always keeping my knives on me for some reason so they never left my side.  So as per usual I met up with Newt by the doors.

        “Good morning.” I said to Newt as I adjusted the straps on my pack.

        “Morning.  Ready for today?” he replied back.  Simple small talk but hey it’s way to freaking early for full on deep conversations here.  With their usual loud creaking and grinding the doors opened.  Within seconds of them fully opening Newt and I were off at a dead on sprint through our normal route.  Boring gray walls covered in dull green vines that didn’t even cover the full thing.

        “Think anything will be different today Newty?” I yelled out.  He hated when I called him that but hey you gotta find a way to pass the time somehow.

        “Never do Kailey!” he yelled back; did I mention that since I call him Newty he calls me by my full name?  Nothing looked to be out of the ordinary but something still felt off.  I ignored it for a few hours but after that amount of time it still didn’t feel right.

        “Newt stop for a minute.” I called out as I stopped running.  He stopped running and walked back to me.

        “What’s up?” he asked when he came close enough to me.  I shook my head and looked around trying to figure out what was different.  Everything looked normal…but what was that sound?  I must have missed it at first but now I can hear it!  It was like a quiet whirring sound but I couldn’t place where I had heard it from.

        “Are you talking about that whirring noise?” Newt asked and he put a hand on my shoulder.  I nodded my head yes and looked up above us.  Nothing there and there weren’t anything on the same row of the maze thing we were on.  Suddenly there was a loud and undeniable sound that echoed throughout the whole maze.

        “Kai do you hear that?” Newt asked in a whisper as we both stood still against a wall listening to that strange noise.

        “Yeah I heard…you ain’t goin’ bloody crazy…..yet.” I replied as we turned our heads toward each other.  I started using the word bloody after hearing Newt say it a couple of times in anger; I mainly said it around him to make fun of him for saying it himself.  Anyways back to the present time, our heads were turned towards each other and he just gave me a look.  Over the past three months I got to know Newt pretty well just like Minho.  I knew I could trust Newt with everything I had the same way I trusted Minho, I would trust both of them with my life if I had too.  Plus when you’re a runner and you have a partner you kind of have to have that relationship with them.  Before I could reminisce anymore a loud metal noise screeched through the maze… a griever was coming right for us.

        “Run.” Newt said as we pushed ourselves off a wall and began running the direction away from the noise…or at least we thought we were.  Newt was trailing behind me making sure I didn’t fall back into the things.  He was constantly yelling at me to run faster and faster and his voice slowly started to get quieter and quieter.  As he got quieter so did his footsteps, which concerned me.

         “Newt what the hell are you doing?!” I screamed as I turned back to find him standing there.  He wasn’t moving away from the damn thing; it was like he wanted it to hurt him.  “Newt come on!  We gotta move!  Newt!” I screamed at him trying to get him to move but he just wouldn’t budge.  The griever was getting closer and close the longer he stood there.  I sighed and ran towards him but the griever had the same idea, it charged towards Newt with an arm thing stretched out and Newt still wasn’t moving.  Fuck if Newt didn’t move then he was toast!

        “God dammit Newt move!” I screamed as I pushed myself faster to reach him before the griever does.  My arms were moving almost as fast as my legs were trying to get me there faster.  Newt didn’t move as it got closer and closer finally it was trying to swipe at him with its metal arm.  I just kept chanting no in my head as I kept running…I can’t let him die or get hurt…or even get stung no way.  The griever was raising its arm to strike him when I called out his name.

        “Newt!” I screamed as I finally reached him and wrapped my hand around his left bicep.  He turned his head toward me finally showing some sign that he knew I was there as the griever swung downwards.  I pulled him as hard as I could but it only moved him a little bit before the griever’s arm came down on his leg.  In that moment everything seemed to go quiet besides Newt’s scream of pain as the arm made a cut from just below his hip to the middle of his thigh.  The griever also managed to use another arm to push both of us away at the same time making the cut more jagged than it already was.  My back hit a wall as I let go of Newt and let out a gasp of pain when my head connected with the wall.

        It took a few moments to come to before I looked over at Newt who was lying in the middle of the maze holding onto his leg screaming in pain; the griever was nowhere in sight.  I tried to push myself up but I only fell back down so I crawled my way to Newt instead. 

        “Newt can you hear me?” I asked frantically as I rolled him over so he was lying on his back.  His only response was a scream and a nod of his head, what did I expect?  I mean was I really expecting a full-fledged word response from him right now?  Okay okay think how was I gonna get him back to The Glade in time?

        “Okay Newt listen we need to get back ASAP otherwise you wont make it.  Can you crawl or at least try and drag yourself to the wall?” I asked him.  He nodded his head briefly and began to painstakingly pull himself to the wall with me helping him as best as I could.  I pulled myself up using the vines as leverage as I leaned down to help Newt up.  He fell occasionally from pain whenever something happened with his leg; he was bleeding a lot.  He supported himself against the wall as best he could panting and crying all the while.

        “Newt I need to stop or slow the bleeding down.” I said as I reached down and unbuckled his belt that he wore today; he rarely wore one but thank god he did today!  Once I got it off of him I wrapped it around his leg above the cut and buckled it as tight as I could; my hands kept slipping cause of the blood covering my hand and his leg.  He screamed when I tightened it but made no move to stop me from doing it.  I wrapped his left arm around my shoulder using it to hold him up with my right arm was around his waist supporting him even more.

        “Come on we gotta move.” I said as I began walking back the way we came.  Newt was trying to lessen his weight on me but gave up at one point and was just letting his injured leg drag on while barely lifting his other one.  He was loosing to much blood for my liking even with the belt slowing it down…at this rate he could pass out any minute and then there was no telling when or if he would even wake up again.

**This is not how Newt actually got his injury in the book/movie.  No one exactly knows how or why Newt actually got hurt.  This is just how it played out in my story!**

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