Wall Goes Tumbling Down

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        It was still dark out when I woke up which was not weird.  Today was the day I was supposed to work with Gally and I was not looking forward to it in any way shape or form.  The job itself didn’t seem to be that hard but since Gally hates me then it’s gonna be hard.  It’ll be interesting to see how he works since all I’ve seen him do is nothing!  I sat in my pit silently as I waited for the sun to rise and for my dear friend Gally to come and get me.

            A few hours passed and finally Alby came and tossed me my food, actually making sure I got to eat it without it being covered in sand and said that Gally would come in about an hour so I could start working.  So I ate quickly and waited for him to show up.  A hour passed and Gally showed up just like Alby said he would, darn I was hoping this is one of the things Alby would be wrong.

            “Come on greenie we got stuff to do.” He said as he slammed my door open and roughly pulled me out of the hole in the ground.  He then continued o roughly pull me along to wherever we were going.  Once we arrive to a place that had maybe four other people working he let go of my arm which might get a lovely bruise on it by tomorrow but oh well.  I took a look around and noticed we were working near the track-hoes and that we were building what looked like a mini shack to store stuff in, basic stuff I guess.

            “Start by chopping wood over there on that stump.  I’ll tell you when to stop.” Gally instructed as he tossed an axe in my direction.  If I hadn’t reacted quick enough to catch it then the axe most likely would have cut off a finger or something.  I nodded my head and turned around and headed towards the stump Gally was talking about while I rolled my eyes.

            I was chopping wood for about two or three hours before Gally let me take a break to drink some water.  So far he had been doing some work but not as much as the others since I guess he was supposed to watch and evaluate me for whatever job I was to get in the future.  Currently as I was on my allotted five minute break for water Gally was ‘helping’ two other guys lift up a wall.  One guy was super scrawny; how he became a builder I do not know and one of these guys shouldn’t even be considered a guy!  He was way to small to be one and most of the weight was on his side!  In a split second I saw Gally let go of his part of the weight and the other guys couldn’t hold it up for long.  I dropped my water and ran over just as the scrawny guy let go and once I got there I held up the wall so the kid could move.  I looked to my left and saw that another guy had rushed to this kids aid just like I had.  Once we both knew the kid was out of harms way we nodded at each other and slowly let the wall fall back on the ground.  As soon as it hit the ground I let out a puff of air and turned towards the kid.

            “Hey are you alright?” I asked him and he shook his head no.  I looked down at his arm and saw it had a few bad scratches on it and they were bleeding pretty badly.  I quickly bent down to his level to get a better look and then I looked into his eyes.  “Hey we need to get you medical attention so your arms can stop bleeding.  C’mon.” I said as I stood back up and guided him to the homestead which is where the med-jacks were.  Once we got there I explained that the kid had gotten cuts from working on a wall.  Clint, who was the one I was talking to, nodded his head and led the kid back into a room and then I left heading back to where the soon to be shack was.

            “What the hell Gally?!  That almost fell on him!” I shouted at Gally as I stormed up to him.  He shook his head and laughed at me crossing his arms.

            “So what?  If it almost fell on him then he didn’t belong here.” He snidely remarked.  Okay so let me get Gally logic straight here, if a kid who maybe looked twelve couldn’t avoid a wall falling on him then he didn’t deserve to be here?

            “Gally none of us belong here!  I’m sure you couldn’t avoid a wall if you were his size!” shouted getting real up close and personal with him.  Gally just scoffed at my remark and turned around to go do something stupid I assume.

            “I wouldn’t need to avoid it.” Was his short response as we walked away.  Oh was this boy pissing me off.

            “Well you sure as hell needed to avoid my punch.” I replied knowing this would get him to turn around.  I was right too cause within seconds of me saying it he whipped around where he stood just staring at me with anger.  I decided to push my luck a little further by saying, “Big bad Potato couldn’t avoid a punch from a girl.”

            In the blink of an eye Gally came storming at me ready to throw a punch.  He swung to hit my head but I ducked down and got around his body so his back was facing me.  His body whipped around and came at me again trying to tackle me to the ground.  The second he was close enough I jumped up and placed my left boot covered foot on his shoulder and pushed myself up and off his body causing him to fall to the ground.  During this whole little ‘fight’ a crowd has gathered and everyone was cheering for Gally it seemed.  Among this cheering were two voices that I could hear above everyone, the voices belonged to Alby and Minho.  Great I was gonna get in trouble for nothing once again.

            “What’s going on here?” Alby asked to everyone who was in the mini circle that had formed around Gally and I.  Gally was still on the floor but he was sitting on his bum.  The people who were around us avoided Alby’s gaze obviously they had been caught doing something that was not good at all.  Alby seemed to get angrier and angrier as no one responded; I personally kept my mouth shut so my sass didn’t make it worse.

            Finally a kid spoke up, “Gally almost let a wall fall on Zac.  Greenie over here and Ty held up the wall so the kid could move.  Then Greenie took him to the med-jacks and came back yelling at Gally for it.   That’s when Gally threw a punch.  Greenie never tried to hurt Gally.”  Note to self get to know this guy cause he is on my side hell yeah!  Alby listened intently while this kid told the story and once he was done he looked between me and Gally.

            “Is this true?  Either one of you.” He asked us.  Gally sure as hell wasn’t one to admit he ‘lost’ to a girl so I guess I’ll have to speak up.

            “It’s true.  I never threw a punch or anything.  Gally was willing to let Zac probably die if the wall fell on him.” I muttered as I stared at the ground.  There were quiet mutterings around me and Alby thought it over.

            “Gally two nights in the pit.  Greenie you’re out of the pit…we need it for someone else.” Alby stated with authority as everyone gasped.  Gally’s head shot up and he began to protest as he got up from the ground.  Alby nodded for two other builders to grab him and take him to the pit that I was not staying in tonight!

            “Where am I sleeping tonight then?” I asked as the crowd cleared and just Minho and Alby were standing there.

        “You’ll be sleeping near Minho.  He can keep an eye on you incase someone tries to get revenge for Gally.” Was Alby’s response.  He also added, “You two are done for the day.  Don’t cause any trouble now.”  And with that Alby left us alone.

**Hey guys so I hope I was ok at writing a 'fight' scene!  If not well I'm working on it so :) Anyways there is a link to a fashion set on polyvore in this chapter http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_something/set?id=140078901.  I know you can't click on it but I haven't full worked out how to post pictures on here.  This set is what she has been wearing the whole time minus the backpack and knives.  I couldn't figure out how to remove those :/**

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