Opening Up?

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        It was dark and I mean REALLY dark when Newt came to wake me up the next day.  Like this is earlier than any of the runners being awake early so this was weird.  Plus I was supposed to start running tomorrow not today so that made it even weirder.  He shook me awake and covered my mouth so I wouldn’t scream and wake anyone else up.  He motioned for me to follow him quietly and began walking away.  I hurriedly pulled on my boots and followed him while trying to not to wake people up.  We were out of the people who were sleeping before I even spoke.

        “Where are we going?” I asked and Newt led me to the wall.  He just shook his head and began moving some vines away from the wall as if he was trying to find something. A couple of minutes later he apparently found what he was looking for; it was a small window that looked out to what was beyond the walls.

        “Look through here.” He said as he held the vines away from the window so I could get a look through it.  I did as he said and went up to the window and looked through.  For a few moments I didn’t see anything and I was going to ask what I was looking for until I saw it.

        “What the hell is that?!” I practically yelled backing away from the small window.  That was terrifying!  It was a big thing that reminded me of a slug kind of with how it’s body was shaped but it wasn’t like a slug at all.  It had metal pieces in its body as well, like it’s legs were spikes or rods and other metal objects that would hurt if it caught you.  It was not something you would wanna take on a date at all.

        “That was a griever.  THAT is what I need to prepare you for.” Newt said as he jabbed his finger in the direction of the griever.  So he needed to prepare me for grievers; that is what everyone was freaking out about?

        “Don’t they only come out at night?  We run during the day so we should be fine right?” I asked as I got up and brushed off the dirt that got on my body.

        “They only come out at night MOST of the time.  Key word most.  I’ve heard them before in the daytime though.  So some do wander around during the day.” He said while watching me brush dirt off.

        “Okay so next step in running 101.  Griever 101?” I asked as we both walked away from the wall.  I knew this was serious but those things just weren’t real to take seriously.  We kept walking for a while until we reached the homestead and Newt led me through hallways until we reached a door.  He opened it for me and I stepped inside.  It was a very simple bedroom, I could tell it was a bedroom because there was a bed in it, and whoever slept here didn’t spend much time here either.  Newt was silent as he closed the door and walked over to a table like thing next to the bed and pulled out a notebook.  He closed the drawer thing and walked over to me handing me the notebook.

        “Turn to page 27 and read.  Don’t ask anything until you’ve read it all.” He said quietly as he sat down on the floor next to the bed.  I looked at him and went to sit against a wall across from him.  I opened the cheap notebook like thing and turned to page twenty-seven like he asked.  It was a page full of scrawny writing that read:

        Harry is going through something…Clint is calling it The Changing.  Harry was running today and when he got back he was hurt…badly.  A griever in broad daylight stung him!   They aren’t meant to come out during the day!  Harry shouldn’t be hurt!  Clint won’t let anyone see him really besides Alby and me.  I can understand why he won’t.  Harry is turning green almost and he’s constantly in pain always screaming for it to stop.  He isn’t awake a lot either apparently because Clint’s said that he’ll wake up randomly screaming nonsense about someone but we don’t know who.  Harry has scratches all over his arms and…just doesn’t look good.  That’s not even the worst part.  Clint says he wont make it that his body can’t take the pressure of being this injured.  If or when Harry dies I’ll have to take his place as a runner.  I’ll lose my one friend before I do though.

        Newt had lost his only friend in The Glade?  From a griever sting?  I looked up at Newt with sadness in my eyes not really pitying him just…I felt sad that he had lost his friend to something he couldn’t change. 

        He looked at me with knowing and said, “Griever 101.  Avoid them at all costs.” Newt said sternly.

        After that Newt let me go cause he had to ‘get one last good run in’ because he didn’t know when I was gonna start running alone.  In other words he wanted to run a little extra today before he might be slowed down with me as a partner for who knows how long.  I understood why I mean he brought up his old friend who died from running it makes sense to me.  The agreement between Alby, Newt, Clint and I was still effective so I was working with the med-jacks all day.  There were a few people who came in; one guy almost cut off his finger, another sprained his elbow.  They were minor injuries and such but nothing else really happened that day.  My mind was clouded with the fact I was gonna run tomorrow that if something did happen I probably wouldn’t have noticed.  Clint had gone and got us dinner when it came to that time of day; his reasoning that one of us needed to stay behind in case anything happened.  Frypan had made some sort of pasta with shredded meat; I think it was chicken but don’t quote me on that.

        Clint came up to tell me someone was waiting for me by the door and that I was done for the day so I could go.  I nodded my head and got up from the chair I was in and walked to the front door.  When I opened it I saw Minho standing there.

        “What are ya doing here Minho?” I asked as I closed the door and stood next to him.  He shrugged his shoulders a tiny bit not saying a word which meant he had something to say but wasn’t gonna say it.  I sighed and nudged him with my hip and began walking away with him by my side.

        “Look you go out running tomorrow.  I just don’t wanna lose my one friend here.” Minho said solemnly.  Dude too soon; even though he didn’t know about Newt and his friend.  Hey I wasn’t dead yet so why is he acting like I was.

        “I’m not dead yet Minho.  No concerning voices until I am got it?” I said as I pushed him slightly.  We both laughed a bit and kept walking to our sleeping area.

**It's a thanksgiving day miracle!!  Jk :) I've typed up quite a few chapters and am working on more!  So I am proud to say I''m returning to my posting a part everyother day!  I hope all of your holidays are good :)**

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