Next Time Warn Me!

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When I got there I didn't find Clint or Jeff anywhere so I shrugged it off and went into Alby's room and sat in the one chair and watched him. He was relatively quiet minus the occasional groan or moan and shifting. Come to think of it...where was the girl? Surely someone should be checking in on her too don't ya think? Oh well not my problem because I was given oh so strict orders to watch over Alby and that's what I did. After a few hours of just sitting and staring at Alby some people finally came into the room. Barely turning my head I see Thomas, Newt, Jeff, and even the girl came in. So that's where the girl was! Wait how did she leave her room?

"Hey Kai how has he been?" Jeff asked me and he went over and checked his pulse.

"No change. He's still in pain and hasn't really returned to consciousness." I stated as I sat upright in my chair in which I had previously was slumped over in.

"Newt we need to use this." Thomas pleaded as he gestured to Alby using his hands. He also motioned to Newt's own hand while he did so.

"We don't even know what this stuff is. We don't know who sent it or why it came up here with you. I mean for all we know, this could kill him." Newt said holding one of the tube things in his hand.

"Newt...he's already dying...if this kills him then he's not gonna suffer much longer like he is now." I reasoned with him as I crossed my arms looking at Alby groaning and fighting against his restraints faintly.

"It's worth a try." Thomas added. We all stare at Alby groaning from the pain when Newt silently lifts his hand up, the one with the tube thing, to Thomas.

"Alright. Do it." He says to Thomas. Thomas takes the thing and goes over to Alby's right side leaning on his left arm and holding the tube in his right. His hesitation gave Alby enough time to 'wake up' and pull Thomas close to him.

"You shouldn't be here!" he says repeatedly as Thomas struggles to get Alby off of him. Newt rushes forwards to Thomas' side trying to pry Alby's hands off him as Jeff is on the other side trying to hold Alby as still as possible. The three boys were struggling with Alby for a while before Thomas lets go of the tube thing.

"Get the syringe!" he cries to Teresa who pushes Jeff out of the way and practically stabs Alby in the chest with it. The liquid that was inside slowly goes down as it goes into Alby's body and everyone is panting from the effort and shock of what just happened.

"Well that worked." Jeff said after a few moments of silence and after he caught is breath.

"Okay from now on, someone stays here and watches him around the clock." Newt says his voice almost cracking when he says okay. I'm about to volunteer to take the 'first shift' when my bestest friend comes in.

"Kai...Greenie it's sundown. Time to go." Gally says just barely standing in the doorway. Thomas looks from Teresa, to Alby, and then to Newt before he goes next to Gally. I moved to follow him but Newt grabs my wrist before I can get far.

I turn towards him and see he's giving me a 'I'm sorry for being a terrible boyfriend and locking you up' face. He kind of looks like a sad puppy having his favorite toy taken from him when it's nap time. I sigh and walk up to him wrapping my arms around his waist and giving him a slight squeeze which he returned. As we pulled apart he starts to remove his light jacket he almost always wears but I stop him.

"I'll be fine without it. You just better be there tomorrow before I go run the maze by myself." I whisper as I pat his chest and walk towards Thomas and Gally and then we leave.

"Hey what is your problem with me?" I hear Thomas ask Gally as we approach the pits after we walked a majority of the way in silence.

"Everything started going wrong the minute you showed up." Gally said and that was the last thing I really paid attention to. I opened up my own pit that was a few down from where Gally was putting Thomas. I hoped on down and closed the door waiting for Gally to come and officially lock it for me.


Running the whole freaking maze was not easy. One person cannot run that whole damn thing in the time it normally took to do one section but somehow I managed to run like ¾ of it by the end of the day. Chuck had come to sneak me and Thomas some food and water last night but I only took the water and told Chuck to give my food to Thomas. It would be his first day running tomorrow and he would need it more than me. Plus I knew either Newt or Minho would sneak some, even if it was a little apple, into my bag before we ran. Back to my original train of thought I had only returned because I heard an alarm start blaring and the maze changing in the distance and I was scared that it was earlier than it should be so I ran back. I rounded a corner and say Thomas and Minho in the distance.

"Next time can you two not do anything until I know what the hell is going on?!" I shouted as we began sprinting back to the Glade together. We all bounded around a corner and splashed a puddle before entering to safety.

"What the hell is going on out there?" Newt asked as we got greeted with a party of people. He had water in his hands because he knew I would be out of mine since I hadn't really eaten he wasn't about to let me be dehydrated.

"What the hell, have you done now Thomas?" Gally asked with a tiny bit of hatred and annoyance.

"We found something...a new passage. We think it could be a way out." Thomas said as we slowed to a walk.

"Really?" I asked still panting and gasping for breath.

"It's true. We opened a door something me and Kai haven't seen before." Minho started "I think it must be where the Grievers go during the day." He finished. Something neither me or him had seen before? Impossible we both have ran all of that maze three times over...every cycle and pattern we had done. Now he thinks that where the Grievers go?! Thankfully Chuck was willing to express my quiet thoughts aloud.

"Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you saying you found the Griever's hole?" he asked Thomas.

"And you want us to go in?" I asked after Chuck talked. This was crazy! We couldn't kill a single griever until Thomas came around and even then that was hard. Now we're supposed to go into a whole that could be FILLED with grievers and we're expected to live?

"Their way in could be our way out." Thomas said in response. Then something magical happened...hell froze over. Why did hell freeze over you may ask? Well Gally spoke up and what he said I agreed with. I agreed with Gally. That is why my shanks hell froze over.

"Yeah or there could be a dozen Grievers on the other side." And then he continued speaking which I did not agree with. Oh well I guess hell just had a split second Ice Age.

**Okay so guys it's official...5 more chapters after this one and the story is done!  I also just read The Scorch Trials last night (I told myself i couldn't read it until I finished this story) and I'm like 98% sure I will not be writing a sequel or the like unless the movie REALLY changes my opinion.  Anyways I hope you all enjoyed the split second Ice Age and I'll see you soon shanks ;)**

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