Chapter One: Six Months

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**A/N** Sorry for waiting! I hope you enjoy ^.^ Please comment and vote ^.^

Chapter One: Six Months

**Ashlyn's POV**

I wake up to the relaxed, easy breathing beside me. A finger slowly traces patterns on my back and I let my eyes open slightly, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Morning beautiful," Harry's morning voice whispers in my ear, sending tingles throughout my entire body.

"How'd you know I'm awake?" I ask, not feeling like turning to face him.

Harry laughs quietly and I feel his lips brush along the back of my neck. "Your breathing changed. No more snores," he chuckles.

I gasp shocked and turn to face him. "I do not snore," I glare into his green eyes. If I look close enough I can see myself reflected through them.

Harry smirks and I have the sudden urge to poke his dimples. Oh so cute. "You snore babe, it's baaaad," he says and starts snoring obnoxiously, sounding like a dying animal.

"Shut up Harry!" I slap his bare chest and he stops snoring, his laughter filling the air around us instead.

"I'm joking Ashlyn," he says and pulls me closer to his body. "You don't snore."

"You better be joking," I say to him seriously. Harry's arms tighten around me and pull me closer. "Harry, you have an interview today," I remind him.

I had gotten the text last night. It was a late notice but Harry would have to go through with it, I'd make sure of it. Even though I'm not the manager I still have certain roles to play.

Harry pouts at me and I feel his hands massaging my lower back. "Or we could have a replay of last night," he winks at me.

"HARRY!" I gasp at him and push him away playfully. "You're such a flirt."

"Hey, I'm cheeky," he grins widely at me.

I roll my eyes and kiss him lightly once. "You're going to be late," I say to him. The clock behind his head reads half past eleven, the interview starts in about an hour. Liam will kill both of us if he's late.

"Ashlyn, the boys can wait," Harry says, his eyebrows wagging madly on his face. "I doubt they'll be upset."

I giggle and shake my head. "Harry, don't be so pouty, it's time to get ready."

Harry groans and shuts his eyes, turning on to his back. "I don't want to work today. It's our anniversary."

I sigh and cuddle into Harry's side. It's been six months with the curly haired boy and I've still got so much to learn about him. I can't believe that six months have gone by already.

"It's just the day babe, afterwards..," I trail off suggestively and Harry flips over on top of me, his expression changing immediately.

"Don't play with me Ashlyn," he whispers, his green eyes gazing into my blue ones. I reach out and put my hand on his cheek. "I love you," he says.

Harry lowers himself to me, his lips meeting mine softly. "I love you too, Harry," I whisper back.

And then we're kissing, lost in each other's love, totally forgetting about the time.

**Harry's POV**

I'm not going to lie. Ashlyn blows my mind every day with the little thing she says. Just yesterday she said something about cupcakes and how sometimes the frosting looks like clouds. It's not a normal statement, but that's what I like about her. She's random like me.

Behind the Tattoos: Uncontrollable Desires SequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang