Chapter Thirteen: Anchor

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**A/N** Quick update ! ^.^ This chapter....gets intense...ish..XD

Chapter Thirteen: Anchor

**Ashlyn's POV**

"Ashlyn!" My name is yelled at the same moment the hotel door flies open. Harry rushes in, throwing the door closed behind him. The windows rattle as a result. My eyes widen at Harry's flushed face. "Ashlyn," he breathes out this time much calmer.

"Harry!" I exclaim, surprised at this sudden shock of seeing him, especially at his current state. "Harry! What're you doing?!"

Harry rushes towards me and gets on his knees. He grabs my hands and kisses my knuckles. My stomach flutters at the contact. His green eyes stare up at me, so wide and loving. I'm so confused. Is this really happening?

"Harry what's going on?" I can feel tears threatening to come. I haven't seen this Harry -my Harry- for a while.

"Ashlyn! God I've been so stupid! So jealous and stupid and I'm so sorry that I haven't been here for you at all and that we don't talk and lately it's all just been really confusing but I love you and I-"

"Harry, you're not making any sense!" I interrupt him because I'm worried he isn't breathing.

He shakes his curls, scooting closer to me. He brings our hands to his chest as he leans in close to me. "This. This thing between us doesn't make sense. It hasn't made any sense lately and I'm sorry. God I'm so sorry baby."

Baby. That word has me frozen in shock. It sounds foreign...out of place. Harry just called me baby...

My bottom lip starts trembling and I curse my sensitive tear ducts. God I'm such a sensitive wimp.

"No, babe don't cry. Don't cry! You're supposed to be happy!" He smiles at me so widely, his dimples sending my heart into a fit. He still gives me goosebumps and stomachaches.

"I am happy Harry. I'm just in shock. I've missed you so much that I...I just don't understand," I'm breathless so my words come out frustratingly jumbled. I can't wrap my mind around anything.

"Well understand this," he mutters before letting go of my hands and grabbing my face instead. He pulls me towards him, our lips connecting. I gasp involuntarily as my stomach tightens with butterflies. I put my elbows on his shoulders, my fingers gripping into his hair.

Everything that I've doubted between us disappears. I can only feel love. Love. Love. Love. God I love him so much.

His hands leave my face and trail down my body. He seems to hesitate for a split second before grabbing my waist and taking me out of my wheelchair. He doesn't allow even the slightest space between our lips to be created. Our kiss becomes more intense as he wraps me around his body. I hold myself up by wrapping my arms around his neck tightly since I can't clutch his waist with my legs.

Harry carries me over to our bed and gets on it somehow with me still in his arms. He let's me down finally as he places me in the center of the bed. He breaks our kiss and starts trailing down my face to my neck. My stomach is in a fit of knots at his touch.

"I've missed you so much baby," he mutters against my heated skin, nipping gently below my left ear.

I let my eyes slide shut as he nibbles my earlobe playfully, his breath tickling me a bit. I feel his hands creep under my shirt, spreading out on my bare skin. I gasp as he bites down on my shoulder blade gently and cups my breasts at the same time.

"Harry," I moan. He's definitely lost in lust right now. A part of me glows with pride that Harry still holds a sexual interest towards me.

He pulls off my shirt and then does the same for his. I marvel at his bare chest and abs, allowing myself to run my hands over his naked top. My gorgeous boyfriend. He dips down again and kisses my chest, his hair tickling my neck. I tug at his curls as his hands reach around my back to unclasp my bra.

"You're mine Ashlyn. Remember that," he says seriously, getting eye level with me. He hovers over me, our breath mixing between us. I nod, entranced by his hard green gaze. "Just mine," he whispers before lowering his lips back to mine.

Just yours Harry. Just yours.


Harry and I lie on the bed facing eachother breathing slightly harder than normal. We didn't actually have sex since we both agreed it'd be weird since I can't react to any touch below the waist, but that didn't mean Harry was up for no kissing. In fact, I feel like my lips are bruised from some harsh contact between us. His lips are still more than capable of taking my breath away.

"I love you Ashlyn," Harry whispers to me.

"I love you too Harry." I smile at my beautiful boyfriend. Everything feels so right between us.

For a while we just lie there and stare into eachother's eyes. My stomach butterflies haven't gone away and I hope they never have to. I never want to lose this feeling between us. I never want to doubt if he loves me or not again.

"Doubt is a terrible thing to come across..," Lucinda's words drift back to me, her blue eyes glaring down at me as I sit and watch her helplessly. "You're not going to tell a word of this to Harry." I can literally hear Lucinda speaking to me again.

I shut my eyes, willing for her voice to go away. I don't want to think about what she said. I don't want to remember the way I craved Niall's touch and not Harry's. I don't want to have the feeling of doubt again.

"Hey, baby why are you crying?" Harry asks gently, his fingers wiping away my tears.

"Sorry, I didn't realize it," I mutter and dash away the tears on my face. I can't let Lucinda have this hold on me. And she isn't even here!

"Tell me what's wrong baby." I open my eyes to stare into his green eyes. He looks at me so lovingly that I want to just tell him everything that happened today with Lucinda. He has to understand right?

Harry reaches over to brush back some strands of hair from my face. "Today, I - is that a tattoo?!" My eyes dart to his wrist and I grab his hand before he can put it down. I flip his wrist so I can see the inside. There's a half-dollar coin sized tattoo of an anchor on the inside of his right wrist. "Harry?!"

"Yes it's a tattoo. I got it today," he says and traces it with his other hand's index finger. "It's a reminder for me to stay anchored down to earth. To stay grounded and always remember who helps me remain the person I am. It represents us and our relationship. I want us to be as sturdy and strong as an anchor," Harry explains quietly, turning so he speaks directly to me.

I'm breathless. He got a tattoo that represents us? It's something that is going to permanently remain on his body forever.

"I don't know how to feel about this," I admit.

"I wish to be some day tied down to you. Be yours forever," he mutters slowly and my heart pounds loudly in my ears. He practically just told me he wants to marry me in the future.

He picks up my hand and holds it up so he can see it. We both look at the shiny diamond ring around my ring finger. His promise ring to me.

"I want this ring to one day mean something more than a promise. I want it to mean so much more." He pauses and leans in closer to me. I'm breathless. "I want to mean... everything to you," he whispers slowly, entwining his fingers with mine.

I swallow back my tears as he leans into kiss me again. These kisses are soft, hesitant and heartbreakingly painful. Beautiful.

He pulls back an inch, his eyes on mine. "I want to be your anchor," he whispers against my lips.

**A/N** Comment maybe? (:

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