Chapter Twenty-Two: Spying

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Spying

*Louis' POV*

"Hey, Lou?" Liam turns over on his bed and looks over at me. His brown eyes are full of worry.

"Yes, Liam?" I place my phone on the nightstand dresser between our beds and angle myself towards him.

"Do you think things will go back to normal?" Liam asks, his voice quiet.

I want to tell him that I truly do believe things will go back to normal, but I can't make myself tell him a lie. I sigh. "Right now? I don't think things will."

"I don't either," Liam mutters.

I roll onto my back and stare up at the ceiling. What was happening with us? Especially Harry and I. We're best mates! We shouldn't feel this distant.

"I need to talk to Harry," I say mostly to myself.

Liam chuckles under his breath. "Go ahead. Tell me how it goes afterwards."

"Alright, I just hope he-"


Liam and I bolt upright, Ashlyn's voice slicing through the air around us.

"Was that-"

"-What I think it was?" Liam finishes for me. We look over at each other with wide eyes.

"WHAT?! SLEEPING TOGETHER?!" Harry's voice booms back.

"Oh shit!" Liam and I both launch ourselves off our beds and run to our hotel door.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I throw open the door as Harry yells, his voice loud and deeper than ever. His voice tends to do that when he's angry.

I stick my head out and Ashlyn glances sideways. I quickly duck back in, accidentally stepping on Liam's foot.

"Ouch! Mate, that was my foot," Liam complains, bending over to rub the pain out of his foot.

"Sorry, Liam. They're out there. I think Ashlyn saw me," I whisper.

"Yes Harold. That's what it's called when two people sleep together! Or should I say, on top of each other?! I bet-"

"Wow she sounds angry. I've never heard her voice so broken," Liam says, cutting off Ashlyn's voice and I completely miss what she was about to say. I turn to Liam and glare at him. "Oh, sorry. I just-"

"SHHH!" I put my finger to my lips and glance around the door frame, trying to get a better look at the situation.

"You know what?!" Harry's voice gets lower, quieter, and I have to really strain myself to hear. "If you're so set on believing everything that your little blonde bitch tells you, then go ahead and be my guest. I will not stick around and watch you both eat out of the palm of each other's hands. You probably talk so much shit that you've lost the truth. And the truth is that I truly don't give one shit anymore. You can just leave me alone because I'm done trying for you."

I mentally slap Harry across the face for that one. He just played the wrong card.

"TRYING?! YOU THINK YOU'VE BEEN TRYING?!" Told you. God, I know women well.

"Louis, I'm not comfortable with this," Liam whispers to me, his hand on my shoulder. "We're kind of like spying on them! It's wrong. They deserve their-"

"SHH!" I shush him again.

I lean back out and see Ashlyn clutching Harry's shirt in her fist. Harry's face is pulled down to Ashlyn's level and I can see her lips moving but the sound is too quiet. Harry looks as shocked as I feel and I really wish I could hear what they're saying.

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