Chapter Seventeen: What If

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**A/N** Finally on spring break! Which means more updates(: Sorry for the wait everyone /: Hope you enjoy!

Chapter Seventeen: What If

**Niall's POV**

"Ashlyn, if you would just think about it more. It's not like you have to make a decision at this moment, I'm just saying that-"

"I don't want the surgery Niall."

"Yes, you've said that, but I think that you are just thinking irrationally based on-"

"I DON'T WANT THE FUCKING SURGERY NIALL!" Ashlyn grips the armrests and swivels to face me. I glance at her, only daring to take my eyes off the road for a few seconds at a time. Her blue eyes are narrowed to daggers that pierce me with every glance. Her brown hair is whipped across her face caused by the open passenger window. She looks scary pissed off.

I sigh, trying to get her to calm down a bit. I know that she's only reacting this way because of the recent break up between her and Harry. She has to want the surgery still. I mean who wouldn't want the ability to walk back again?

"Ashlyn, I'm just saying that you should really think this through. I don't want to rush you or make you do anything you don't want to do, but the thing is that I know you want to walk again. I know that being stuck in a chair frustrates you," I say. I'm playing the strengths I have available to me. Ashlyn has been really obvious with her thoughts of walking lately.

Ashlyn sits back in her seat and crosses her arms. I relax in my own as well. She's calmer and more steady. I steal another glance at her. Ashlyn has her sight set intently out the windshield window. She stares at the glass with her jaw clenched.

"You ever think 'what if' about things?" Ashlyn asks softly, her voice only lightly reaching me. I lean towards her a bit, still keeping my focus on the road.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, the whole 'what if this' or 'what if that' that most people spend all their lives thinking about."

What is she talking about? "I guess?" I mumble.

Ashlyn turns to me. "I'm seroius Niall. Like what if my parents never died? I'd never meet you guys or have to be your manager. What if Harry didn't have sex with all those older women including your ex-manager's wife?"

"We wouldn't have switched management." Something I don't really want to think about. I hate our past management.

"What if you weren't my first clients?"

"We wouldn't know you."

"What if it wasn't... Harry?" Ashlyn only whispers now and I really have to strain myself to hear.

"What do you mean?" The light ahead of us turns yellow and I slow down, coming to a stop at an empty inersection. I turn to face Ashlyn. Her blue eyes are set on mine but she looks distant.

"What if I didn't fall in love with Harry?" Ashlyn bites her bottom lip and turns her gaze away again. My heart pounds in my chest for no absolute reason. I feel confused as to what she's saying, but I can't stop listening. "What if I fell in love with you instead?" Ashlyn asks but it's not a question directed for me to answer. She's merely thinking aloud.

But what if it wasn't Harry that she fell in love with? I mean we did all see her at the same time. We all had the same chance to be with Ashlyn . I just didn't act towards it. I can still remember seeing her when she turned to face us that first day in her office. Her brown hair framed her face so beautifully, her blue eyes bright with surprise. I remember wanting to make her mine. But I also remember seeing Harry's reaction. He would get her and not stop at anything in order to do it. And he won in the long run. Only now who has her?

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