Chapter Twenty-Four: Followed

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Followed

**Ashlyn's POV**

I stare down at my open suitcase on the floor. The soft fabric of a green shirt peeks out from under the clothes I hastily threw in a few minutes ago. I reach for it slowly and pull it out, taking the shirt in my hands.

Harry had bought it for me a couple months back. We had escaped a day of paparazzi and went out shopping. At first it was just us trying to find him something new to wear to their upcoming concert, but when we entered Forever 21, Harry immediately went to the rack of green clothing.

I bring the shirt to my face and hold it against my cheeks, remembering back to the day we bought it.

"Oh, look Harry," I teased him and took a green crop top off the rack he dragged us to. "This matches your eyes."

Harry laughed and took the shirt away from me. "It sure does, but there's no way I'm letting you wear that around," he shook his head, placing the shirt back on the rack.

I had never been good at people telling me what to do. I found this amusing. "Why? Too skimpy?" I stuck my tongue out at him and took the shirt back. Harry raised his eyebrows at me as if I were challenging him.

"Skimpy?!" Harry coughed and rolled his eyes. "Babe, I've seen you in less than that."

"Harold!" I hit his arm, completely aware that we were standing in a public store.

"Babe, just put it back. I'm not buying you something like that," he muttered and went back to looking through the green tops.

"Well too bad for you I've got money of my own, mister superstar. Did you forget my company manages you?" I said smartly, giving him a snarky smirk. I held the crop top to my front and waved it. "I could buy whatever I want."

Harry suddenly turned to me, his green eyes full of a sudden realization. "So, you're saying that since it's your money, you can buy whatever you please with it. Correct?" I nodded slowly, unsure of what he was getting at. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind."

"Huh? Keep what in mind?"

"Nothiiiiiing," he said cheekily and winked at me.

I put the crop top back and glared at him, putting my hands on my hips. "I wasn't even serious about buying that top," I tell him.

"Alright," Harry nodded and looked at a shirt he parted clothes for. He smiled and pulled it out, holding it out for me. "This one. I'm buying you this one."

I looked down at the green shirt. It definitely matched the color of his eyes. I took it and looked at the front as Harry grinned widely.

"I'm with the teenage dirtbag," I read with a giggle. I looked at Harry amused. "Sounds correct," I nodded and took his hand, pulling him to the register. "Next time, I'm buying you a crop top just so I could stare at those abs of yours."

Harry stopped walking and pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. He kissed my nose quickly. "Never," he whispered.

I kissed him back. "We'll see."


"Ashlyn?! You alright?"

I look up, breaking out of my memory, and see Niall watching me from across the room. He's seated on the bed casually with his legs crossed and a box of donuts on his lap. The tv across from him is on but I don't recognize what's playing.

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