Lila's Announcement

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"Wait up!" Pepper called out.

Anya came out of the kitchen and looked at her mother

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Anya came out of the kitchen and looked at her mother. Natasha saw her daughter and frowned putting a finger up, "Not a word..."

Anya smiles at Pepper, "Looking good, Aunt Pepper."

Nathan walks down the stairs, "What's with the outfit, Aunt Nat?"

Anya chuckles, Natasha frowns, "I was on an undercover mission!"

"Where? 1940s Holand?" Anya teased.

Thor and Loki finally arrives dressed

Thor and Loki finally arrives dressed

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Followed by Cooper and Justina:

Followed by Cooper and Justina:

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finally, Sam Wilson, who came as Maria's date:

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finally, Sam Wilson, who came as Maria's date:

finally, Sam Wilson, who came as Maria's date:

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"Sorry I'm late..." Sam kissed Maria's cheek.

Maria looks at Mary, "Not a sound."

Mary giggles, "I love how you think I'm the one who makes fun of you... Anya would be the one to make fun of you."

Maria looks at Anya; Anya chuckles, "Not gonna make a joke about that..."

"Thank you..." Maria smiled.

At the dinner table, Lila stood up, "After a long engagement, almost ten years, Dustin and I are finally getting married..."


Anya sighs, "Still beats my parents, 20 year engagement

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Anya sighs, "Still beats my parents, 20 year engagement..."

Natasha glared at Anya, "Hey!" Anya looks at her mother, Natasha breathed, "Okay... yeah."

Steve clears his throat, "So when and where's the wedding?"

"In two months..." Dustin replied.

"At the church where mom and dad got married." Lila sighs. "So," Lila looks at Cassie, "Cas, will you be my matron of honor?"

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