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"If it was up to me," Lila said on the phone, "I'd help."

Anya sniggers at Lila's statement and walks towards the couch currently occupied by Lila. "Lila, your mother needs your help with dessert…"

"What is she making anyways? And can't you help her?"

"Second question first, have you completely lost your mind? Me?! Bake?!" Anya scoffed, as Lila got up, "And chocolate fondue…"

Steve immediately looks up from the newspaper in his hands, "Anya." Anya turns to see her father frowning disapprovingly, "Fondue?"

Anya tilted her head, "Yes, chocolate fondue. What about it?"

"Do you know what that means?" Steve asked seriously.

Natasha slowly puts her phone down and looks at Steve, "Do you?"

Steve shifted on his seat uncomfortably, "It means sex."

As everyone laughed at Steve, Anya merely sighs, "Gross." and walks away.

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