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"Princess," Morgan calls Anya.

Anya's eyes was torn away from her book, "What?"

"Help." Morgan continues, "Please!"

Anya closed her book, "What?"

Morgan smiles, "What does DNA mean?"

Anya put her book aside, "DNA, hmmph? Oh Sara would get this! Daddy Nanay Anak."

Sara burst into laughter, "Cute…"

"What does that mean?" Morgan and Jaime asked.

Anya grinned, "Because you get half your DNA from your daddy and half from your nanay," she points to Pepper, "and you are the anak."

"Oh I got it!" Jaime exclaimed, "Daddy+Nanay=Anak or Daddy+Mommy=Child DNA."

"Very good." Anya smiled and stood up, walking towards Louna.

"Teaching them Tagalog?" Louna asked.

"If it helps with science," Anya shrugs, "why not?"

"Cause knowing three languages is confusing…" Louna sighs.

"They can handle it." Anya dismissed.

"Just because we can doesn't mean they can too." Louna explained.

"Don't underestimate them…" Anya reminds and walks off.

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