Catching Up

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"So..." Howard looks at Tony, "you're my son?"

Tony nodded.

"Steve, you seem happy..." Peggy clears her throat.

Steve smiles apologetically, "I am. Peg, I want to apologize..."

"For what?" Peggy asked.

Steve sighs, "For how it ended between us... I'm so sorry..."

Peggy chuckled, "So dramatic... Steve, if you hadn't crashed that plane into the water, millions of people would have died... Plus, that was two years ago, I've moved on." Peggy looks up at Daniel and smiles.

"This has been fun and all," Lila sighs, "but can we please go home now?"

Anya looks at Louna and points out the door... Louna nods and follows the Stark sisters and Anya out. "You're scared too, aren't you?" Kelly asked.

Anya sighs, "We need to do something... we have to stop Daniel from going rogue."

"So let's tamper with time?" Mary suggested, "We've done it before..."

"How the time machine..."

"I have a confession to make," Louna raised her hand, "when you jumped I turn back time..."

"You what?" Anya's eyes widens.

"I turned back time to save you..." Louna admits, "I can go back and go forward in time at my will."

"Okay?" Mary sighs, "So how does it work?"

"Psst!" Anya hushed her friend, "First, how dangerous is it?"

Louna closed her eyes, "What messing with the fabric of time?"

"Fair enough!" Anya nods, "Let's go to Spring of the year 1950."

"Okay..." Louna began chanting in Ancient Norwegian.

"Okay," Bruce clapped his hands, "say your farewells then enter the machine... Nathan can you call the girls?"

Lila smiles at Peggy, "Just so you know, Ms. Carter, in our time we have developed a test for ones true love... if the person stares at Anya and not their partner, they're not true."

Peggy placed a hand on Lila's arm, "I get it. Thank you."

Lila steps in the machine.

"They're not here!" Nathan yelled waving a paper.

Natasha snatches the paper, "They went to Spring of 1950."

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