Rescue Team

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"Dr. Wilkes…" Nathan shook him awake, "Dr. Wilkes, you need to wake up, please."

Nathan looked up they were in a container van, he banged on the door, "Let us out!" but no one came, by the sounds of it they were crossing some sorta bridge. "Come on, Anya." Nathan whispered, as he sat down.

A few moments later, he heard a crash coming from the metallic roof of the van and knew exactly who it was. They were saved. As Nathan brace himself, the metallic doors burst open and Nathan saw Jarvis driving along the road. Anya's hand reaches for Nathan, "Well, come on!"

Nathan smiles as he took her hand and climbed on the roof. "What's the plan?"

Anya hooked up the hook that was on the Jarvis's ride to Nathan, "Jump!"

"What?!" Nathan shocked, "But what about you?"

Anya sighs and looks down at the unconscious doctor, "I'll be right behind you."

Nathan looks unsure but jump, as soon as he was in the van Dr. Wilkes was tossed at the van's roof. Peggy screamed, "JASON!"

Louna then notices Anya surrounded by men on the roof… "Please tell me she has her shield with her…" Kelly sighs.

"Crap!" Lila realized, as Anya got knocked out and brought inside the enemy's van's back.

Louna sighs and pulls Dr. Jason Wilkes inside the van.

"Anya!" Lila called out, "We need to go get her."

"Wait for it." Louna puts her finger in the air.

The enemy's van crashed to a post and Anya went out the passenger seat, straightening her skirt, she walked towards her companions van and knocked at Peggy's window.

Peggy cranked her window down, "Well?"

Anya put her sunglasses up and raised her right eyebrow.

Long Way From HomeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ