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Anya was laying on her couch alone in her apartment listening to her music, when the door swung open. Anya sat up to find Natasha carrying luggages at the door.

"I'm moving in." Natasha sighs.

Anya immediately stood up, "What?!" "Uh… I mean why?"

"I just can't live in the shadows of Peggy and it's obvious that Steve still loves her…"

"So your plan is to runaway from this?" Anya challenged.

"I need space, Anya." Natasha corrected. 

"Well, so do I!" Anya blurted out.

"Anya!" Natasha scolded.

"I'm sorry…" Anya sighs, but then realized. "Wait! why am I apologizing? I'm not sorry that I need space, but I am sorry that you and dad are having problems. But you can't just pack your stuff and leave…"

"And why not?"

"Cause you love him and mom I may not know how it feels to be in love but I do know how it looks. I also know you don't just give up on people you love." Anya sat on her dining room chair, "God, I've said that word way too many times. The point is, Peggy would want him to be happy, she lo— okay I've met the quota of that word— enoughs to let him go and be with you, cause mom, dad has very strong feelings for you like you do for him."

"So what should I do, oh wise one?" Natasha teased.

Anya frowns, "Go back to him."

"When did you get so smart?" Natasha smiled.

"I grew up watching Russian and Tagalog soap opera," Anya smirks, "no wonder my life is so full of drama and why my vision of that word is not good."

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