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"Are you sure about this?" he hikes to keep up with her.

"She's the one who had requested this…" she grabs his hand and gives it a squeeze. "It's not like I can say no to her, Steve."

Anya was walking ahead of them with Arteo. "Here they come!" Anya announced as Vidia, her jet landed in front of them.

"Huh!" Arteo let out a nervous breath, "How do I look?"

Anya chuckles, "Fine…"

"Just fine?!" Arteo asked distraught.

"Great?" Anya said, a little unsure, "Stop acting like a 12 year old, you are an adult!"

"Right." Arteo nodded,  as the doors opened and Louna came out with Phil and Melinda.

Anya smiles, "Hey."

Louna quickly embraced her friend, "How the hell are you?!"

"Great," Anya chuckles, "and ow! You straight up yelled in my ear."

"Oh I'm so sorry." Louna smiles, "So the last one is here, huh?"

Anya looks at her phone, "According to this app—"

"What app?!" Phil demanded.

"A map but not really of Hydra base…" Louna checks her phone.

"You made an app!" Melinda yelled, "What the hell is wrong with you?! Now, Hydra will know were on to them!"

Anya smiles, "The people who developed this app are Morgan, Nathan, and Sofia; do you honestly think they'd overlook security measures for the app?"

Louna grins, "One, the only way one can download the app is by having it preinstalled by Jaime, Bucky's great granddaughter. Two, it also needs fingerprint, eye scan that comes with the phone to activate. Three, the app name is, 'Whack-A-Beast'. Four and my final point, it is  hidden— very hidden— from the public…"

Anya walked to examine her jet for any scratches, "We are definitely going to Budapest, Hungary. Good thing, I've got connection there."

Louna noticed Arteo but ignored him.

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