Chess Game

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"Дурацкий Американский малышка." Bezuhkov grinned.

Anya smirks, "Then please, Mr. Bezuhkov."

Bezuhkov begun eating the sandwich, "You're Anya, right?"

Anya nodded as she kept smiling, knowing fully well that Bezuhkov was attempting to get inside her mind. However, good he was, Anya was ten times better. As they continued the game, the smile on Anya's face never disappeared; she knew she was gonna win. It wasn't until Natasha peered through Anya's shoulder that Anya's smile widened.

"Move that and it will be checkmate." Natasha encouraged.

Anya looks up at Bezuhkov and smiled, Bezuhkov understood why Anya did this.

Bezuhkov sighs, "The Red Room is reforming in Cuba."

Anya moved her queen in front of his king, "Checkmate." Anya stood up, "Thank you, for your cooperation."

As they walked out of prison, Cassie smiles holding her phone to Anya, "Ms. Rogers, phone call…"

Anya chuckled, "Lila?"

"Yes, Nathan's…"

"Say no more." Anya takes the phone. "We are on our way."

Cassie looked up at the sky, "When did I become her personal assistant?!"

"Can you two drop me off at the compound?" Natasha requested.

"Um… okay." Cassie nodded, as she tossed the keys to Anya, "You pilot."

Anya smiled, as they came aboard the jet.

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